Bot reports problem

Bot reports problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hi, srorry if this isn’t the right corner of the forum for this topic, but look at the different sections of the forum i couldn’t find one corresponding to what this post is about.

So, i’m doing WvW recently, and sometimes i saw ennemy chars (don’t think they’re npc since they have guild names enclosed in []). Why did i think they were bots?
– Staying in same place without moving, safe for moving once in awhile not far from their last location probably because of non activity log off system.
– Attacking in group every ennemy player passing by.
– Not moving till an ennemy player is in range, even if players are fully visible and near them.
So, after confirming all this, i tried to report them, except i couldn’t. Can’t know their name (all got the generic “(server name) invader/defender” name), and don’t have right click menu on their portrait. So, is it possible to make a right click menu on protraits so we can actually don’t have to put into friend list every spammer/botter/scammer and other nonplayers in this game?

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay