Broken Metrica province jumper...

Broken Metrica province jumper...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatmancantrun.6451


Hello I’ve got a rather serious issue… when jumping the goemms lab puzzle last night with a friend i noticed that when i would go through the windy station gate to the stormy station gate ( with the buff) it kept telling me improperly alligned atunement… this is a rather serious bug as it is unfair to the player and blocks progress… (I’ve successfully gotten to the 2nd chest in the puzzle atleast 100 times back when i played hard core when the puzzle came out) is there a 2nd attunement i need? I was showing a friend and told him to do exactly what i did and he made it through that station… I know you have to drop down and go under that rock to the gate to get the atunement buff to be able to go through… its not on my end the issue… could a GM please verrify if theres a file corrupt on my account?… every time i try to go through with or without the buff it tells me error improperly alligned atunement… its realy frustrating and i’m taking a break from GW2 for a while cause its kittening me off…

Broken Metrica province jumper...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gudy.3607


It’s not just you. Interacting with one of the gate golems (by either going back to the previous gate or simply dying) will still teleport you to the correct/next section of the puzzle, though.

Broken Metrica province jumper...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: broFenix.1632


I also found I couldn’t go through the Windy Station gate, after or before being attuned in the Windy Station section.

I was playing a level 23 Asura Engineer, if that makes a difference (probably not).

I’ll try asking golem at the start to teleport me to the Stormy Station (next station).

Edit: YES asking the golem to teleport you to Stormy Station worked. Very odd bug o.O!