Broken WvW queue on reset night

Broken WvW queue on reset night

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocolyte.8093


So, having a fun reset night. I queued up for EBG on reset and was placed into spot #34 (along with several of my guildies). Queue popped fast, but when I hit Travel, I was informed that the Borderland was full and I was placed back into queue at spot #200+. This also happened to several of my guild mates that had their queue pop and when they hit travel, they were placed at the end of the line with hours of waiting ahead of them.

Edit: Was at #170 at some point and moved to EotM, saw that my queue moved up to #1. Now I’ve been #1 for quite a while. :P

(edited by Apocolyte.8093)