[Bug/Anomaly] Sweet Bean Bun - consumable

[Bug/Anomaly] Sweet Bean Bun - consumable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: quBit.6437


With the release of HoT, all consumable food with condition duration increase or decrease has been toned down to 20% (down from 40% in most cases).
But one item has been forgotten in the process: Sweet Bean Bun

Now, this food was already way above all others with a total of 65% conditon duration change, and it did not get toned down along all the other food consumables, but remains unchanged.

‘tl;dr: all condi duration food was nerfed except for ’sweet bean bun’. please adjust it to bring it in line with the other consumables.

[Bug/Anomaly] Sweet Bean Bun - consumable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: quBit.6437


On a related note: Shouldn’t ’giver’s weapons’ use ‘expertise’ instead of a flat 10% condition duration now?