[Bug] Blasting Staff trait, AoE targeting not reflecting actual AoE size

[Bug] Blasting Staff trait, AoE targeting not reflecting actual AoE size

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sekacnap.3984


When using the elementalist arcane trait, Blasting Staff, the AoE fields increase in size as intended but the targeting circle does not accurately reflect this change. This makes it difficult to judge where to place your fields in a lot of circumstances, especially when using Static Field (staff air 5) since the outer edge is the only part of the field where any effect takes place. I have confirmed that this happens with every ground targeted AoE skill on the staff.

[Bug] Blasting Staff trait, AoE targeting not reflecting actual AoE size

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sekacnap.3984


I took a couple of before and after screenshots to further illustrate the rather large difference there is between the targeting circle and the actual AoE field.


[Bug] Blasting Staff trait, AoE targeting not reflecting actual AoE size

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cleeezzz.1567


Can confirm, however it works properly in PvP