[Bug Fix]Charr Height on Character Selection

[Bug Fix]Charr Height on Character Selection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Celiea.3461


Hello Anet I am pretty sure not a lot of people are reporting this bug but I think it is a bug.

On the Character Selection Screen the Charr doesn’t matter if male or female but on the Character Selection showing the charrs inaccurate height right now they are like towering over the screen and as far I can tell charr are not taller than the Norn this need to be fixed The Norn are fine on height just need to change the Charr height on the Selection screen by either by 15% or 20% and they will be perfect.

I never made a charr only reason why is the height bug I think the charr are a cool race but I choose not to make one because of that bug.

Can you please fix and you will make an account holder happy.