Bug? Harvesting tools

Bug? Harvesting tools

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Since I did not see this change in the update notes, I am presuming there is a bug related to old code being triggered.

During the first BWE, tools were soulbound. After much discussion, I assume, the tools were finally change to only become soulbound when they were used; however, the required level for the tools was not being displayed. Recently, since launch, and I believe it to have happened in the Sept. 6 update, tools reverted to being soulbound on acquire – but the required level is being displayed as it was during first BWE. If this is a bug, please, when you have time for such a first-world problem, could the tools be fixed to once again be soulbound on use, not acquire. If this was an intentional change due to some exploitation, I wouldn’t mind knowing why, but more importantly, I would at least like to see them account bound rather than soul bound.

Thanks for listening,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)