Bug, Invulnerable in wvw
not to say you don’t have a point, but your screenshot doesn’t actually prove anything. You don’t have any enemies targeted so impossible to see any invulnerability.
we sat there attacking them… kept saying invulnerable, apparently its a safe spot where you can glitch yourself and not get hurt
It’s not a bug. It is their spawn. It prevents you from spawncamping them like you are doing in that screenshot.
Maybe, if you move away from their spawn, they won’t be invicible?
It’s not a bug. It is their spawn. It prevents you from spawncamping them like you are doing in that screenshot.
Maybe, if you move away from their spawn, they won’t be invicible?
No, it’s a lot different than that. It’s a spot inaccessible normally, at the back of ‘XXXXX Refuge’ (Southwest supply camp) It’s not their spawn. In my server (SoS) particularly, JQ were using it to camp the area, flipping it almost as soon as we took it (mind you, this is even after a COMPLETE sweep of the area, they seem to suddenly appear from the ground, we all know what this is)
To be honest, it sucks that even in T1 there’s this sort of exploitation going on from all sides.
I saw this, and could do the same thing. If you look at your spawn point, there are 3 paths away from it, usually a main stairs leading to the center of the map, and 2 side paths leading to supply camps. The folk above are at the extreme limit of “invulnerable” range. 2 steps from that bluff, and they are back to normal. Expect this to continue until/if Arenanet puts the invulnerable line along the top of the bluff. Once you jump into play area, expect to fight. It is not exactly an exploit, but not right either.
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
Not a bug rly. It’s a spawn area (one of the small paths, instead of the main one)
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
This is indeed a bug, as spawn area invulnerability should not be able to be reacquired after entering a WvW contested area. Once you jump down the one-way bluffs on the side paths, you are in contested space, and should not be able to reacquire invulnerability until you return to your spawn area, either by death or running back via the main gate. What is happening is that people are exploiting the fact that invulnerability can be reacquired in one or two spots where the invulnerability zone geometry stretched down into the contested area. This means they can enter, leave, and re-enter at will. It also allows them to damage and kill camp defenders while being unable to be hurt themselves, unless the camp defenders leave. Then they’re free to go out and recapture, and if the defenders try to counterattack, they just run back to their invulnerability zone.
This leads to exceedingly dull play for the defenders, and probably not very interesting play for the attackers, either. I suppose it could be argued that dull, uncompetitive play fostered by tiny, undemarcated safe spots was ArenaNet’s design goal, but I doubt it. It is clear the design intent was to have attackers taking the side paths to the camp be unable to return to safety the way they came, and this exploit breaks that.
The invulnerability needs to stop before they jump down into contested space, or else this very irksome exploit will continue forever.
Not a bug rly. It’s a spawn area (one of the small paths, instead of the main one)
If you’re going to go with that, you may as well allow Bluevale/Redwater to be almost completely engulfed in protection on each borderland map so that side has a heavy foot hold into each borderland map, otherwise that screenshot is what happens and It gets old for the defending team, very old. I cannot believe they planned for this to happen, if so, I’m actually pretty shocked.
No, if they’d planned for this to happen, they wouldn’t have had the spawn invulnerability area stop right along the top of the bluff, except for one or two tiny unexceptional hidden spots that inexplicably extend to the bottom.
What happened is some environmental artist drew the spline for the trigger volume for the invulnerability area a bit too wide. Or some terrain artist came through later and tweaked the bluff without adjusting the trigger shape along with it. It happens. But it’s such an egregious exploit as it stands, that they really need to address and fix it, otherwise it breaks the play balance of every borderlands map more in favor of the attackers than what was clearly intended.
that is their spawn if you are so ignorant to not know there are 3 exits to the spawns on the bottom of the boarderlands you shouldn’t be in wvw. also this isnt an exploit as they are gaining nothing from being there other then distracting you from being useful elsewhere. it would be an exploit if they could walk out of spawn with the determined buff and take the camp
(edited by Khezekiah Bellamy.5016)
Kezekiah, that is incorrect. It is NOT their spawn. It is the invulnerability trigger erroneously extending BEYOND their spawn area in one or two places that is the problem and the exploit.
Invulnerability at the top of the bluff is fine. Only one team can access that area, so only one team gets invulnerability there. But to have locations where only one team gets invulnerability in the SHARED gamespace (i.e. at the bottom of the bluffs) is clearly not working as intended, and requires a fix.
It’s not a bug. It is their spawn. It prevents you from spawncamping them like you are doing in that screenshot.
Maybe, if you move away from their spawn, they won’t be invicible?
No, it’s not their spawn. Their spawn is well down the other end of the path that ends at this bluff, a good distance away. They run FROM their spawn to get to this bluff, jump down into the play area, but maintain their invulnerability if they stay at one or two spots with bad invuln area geometry. The people in that screenshot are not spawn camping, as the spawn is up the bluff, down a tunnel and down a hill, hundreds of yards away from the point of that screenshot.