[Bug] Live story 2 not fully tracked

[Bug] Live story 2 not fully tracked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huryiade.1843


Hello, so a few days ago i did the new live story and then began trying to get the achievements. Since there are some achievements i didn’t suspect a thing, but then it hit me : i’m missing some achievements (only 2 achievements about lost coins are present which makes it around 25 coins total out of 30), and the world map hasn’t updated with the POI/Vista/Waypoint numbers (meaning the total number of those displayed in the upper left corner of the world map is the same as the one before live story 2 was added).

I already discovered 2 vistas, 2 waypoints and all of the POI on the map (even the one in the inquest lab). I found most of the lost coins, and did some other things that i read on websites are achievements. But i only got a few achievements out of all those described on websites (the one that asks us to find and unlock 3 buried chests is not there either).

I tried finding a repair button/executable that would check the game files to see if something might be corrupted, but found none. And given that the game is over 22Gb i’d prefer not having to delete and download everything again.

Staying Alive [SA]
Ehmry Bay

[Bug] Live story 2 not fully tracked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Filaha.1678


Not all maps count towards the world total. This is one that doesn’t.

Southsun Cove doesn’t count, for example.

What do you mean by “you’re missing them”, though? They’re not in your list at all? Can you provide a screenshot of your achievement screen?

[Bug] Live story 2 not fully tracked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Here is your ‘repair button’: https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/28148006-Repairing-the-Game-Client

Be advised, there is a current anomaly with collecting the coins; many are stuck at 29/30. I’m not sure why you are having issues with the Hidden Chests, though.

Many Waypoints, PoIs, etc. have been added since the game launched. Not all are considered for World Completion. (Many are not.)

Good luck.