[Bug] Losing mats while refining!
the pop up queue above the mini map are items already added to your inventory. you do not receive items in the queue as they drop off the end, they are already added, regardless of if you leave map, leave game or whatever. anything in that list is already in your inventory.
edit: also if you exit out of the crafting UI (without cancelling the craft process), crafting still continues until you move away from the crafting station (or you run out of mats). so, if you esc out of the UI and waypoint away, or exit the map, the craft is cancelled. up until the exit, you’re still technically crafting, which is why you see your crafted things still increasing. it has nothing to do with the list above the mini map.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
(edited by nottsgman.8206)
That is not really a queue. It is more like a visual log that scrolls very slowly. Very noticeable if you ever open a large quantity of bags like Trick or Treat bags while doing the labyrinth.
Thank you everyone