This is the quest where you ride the ship and use cannons to block Giant’s rocks / destroy bone wall.
I have come across 2 possible bugs.
Bug 1:
After plugging the ooze in the holes I have walked to the top of the deck when two Risen ships appear and attack you. Sometimes the cannons will not spawn on the other side of the ship to fight the ships off.
Bug 2:
After destroying the ships I go to rescue the crew of the Windfall. Right before I get to the ship it’s graphic disappears so does the fallen ally marker on my map. Now once I go to the marker and nothing is there but a dead whisper/priory/vigil (changes every time I restart) and sometimes no dead npc at all.
Bug 2 I am not sure about being a bug or me just clueless of what to do. But I have swam around everywhere and killed all the mobs. Nothing. So I am assuming it is a bug. I have restarted about 5 times now hoping for it not to bug out but seems like bug 1 happens every 2 restarts.
EDIT: Forgot this info:
Character Name: Kazül
Race: Human
Level: 80
Profession: Engineer
Area: Instanced area of Cursed Shore, Harrowed Sea (Personal Story)
EDIT 2: 6th time I restarted it I made it past bug number 2. Currently completing the rest of the quest now.