Bug? Personal story "The Ghost Rite"

Bug? Personal story "The Ghost Rite"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Golgathoth.3967


This particular story instance seemed different from when I last did it (almost two years ago.) Also, there will obviously be spoilers in here if you haven’t done this story yet.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but as you fight in the avatar of Balthazar form, aren’t you supposed to get bigger/taller and your attacks either do more damage or start having different forms? Because neither of those things were happening, and the mobs were so overwhelming that I fully died four or five times. Each time I’d restart at a checkpoint, the mobs (all 30 or so of them) would immediately be surrounding me as soon as I spawned. I’m wondering if the not getting more powerful thing was a result of dying early on when I was supposed to “kill mobs to gain power”. I did manage to complete it, but with no small amount of difficulty. Plus, it wasn’t very exciting being in the “small Balthazar” form the whole time.

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“Tarnished Coast” since head start!

Bug? Personal story "The Ghost Rite"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


When I did it recently I was indeed more powerful than I was with my normal weapons, but I was just my normal size. I couldn’t remember if I was supposed to get bigger or not, so I didn’t think anything of that. But I also had the problem where I got overwhelmed once or twice, respawned, and then had all the mobs appear at the spawn point when I respawned.