[Bug] Princess Doll missing sounds
I agree, the loss of these really ruins the mini and the tonic. This happened at the same time they ‘nerfed’ the Kodan tonic to not scream or anything anymore. The change happened about 2 weeks ago I think.
Still waiting for a reply.
If this was removed on purpose, the least you could do is add a skill to the skill bar will a 20-30 second cooldown which allows the doll to scream. That way players are not annoyed, and those players that loved the scream still get to enjoy it.
P.S. – I noticed that Caithe now has the same scream (only lower pitch) when falling from the Metrica building at the start of the memory seed story. If this was a bug, perhaps there’s a command overlap between the Princess Doll and Caithe.
The doll screams are just female sylvari screams, different pitch etc.
*edit The doll screams WERE just female sylvari screams, different pitch etc.
Side note… female sylvari laugh has changed and I don’t even know what all else has :/ Sylvari had a cute laugh, now it’s just a part of the giggle looping more often than not. Overly not happy that things we liked or enjoyed, even things that didn’t annoy others, are being removed/changed. And yet the female human chipmunk laugh is still there annoying us >.<
(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)
Yes, it is rather annoying.
I want my scary scream back I should have chosen the plush griffon instead
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Nooooooooooooo! Bring back her scream! I’ve had her since Wintersday #1! I love the scream!
And bring back the footsteps and beeps and boops that were taken away from my mini golems so long ago!
And my idle time emotes! (Oops… sorry. Wrong thread. But way overdue to be restored.)
Stop taking away all the fun little extra touches that make the game seem like a living world.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
they removed this and the kodan scream… and i can’t say the game is worse off without them…….
though admittedly I did get a bit of a laugh from the screaming kodans
Heh. And now myself and others I’ve spoken to finally use the Doll Tonic and can actually stand being around others who have that tonic on because that horrific scream is no more.
You Die, You Learn Faster
And all the effort I had to put in to get it first wintersday, because my ‘luck’ was among the worst, was like 50+ tries to get the thing, I’m about ready to relegate it to a mule. If they change how the skills work on players, I’ll be ready to delete it.
Was the screaming excessive? At times, but that could be changed some, didn’t have to be muted entirely. They’ve removed the toys from the open world wintersday boxes, it’s now just skritt. They’ve killed the scream. A number of minis have sped up idle animations. Sylvari laugh doesn’t seem the same, but maybe I’m just remembering wrong on it, idk anymore. So much keeps changing, things I liked are gone. And I’ve found out that little things around even the cities have been changed.
We all know about the animations on humans and why. I hate to sit and nitpick, but if everything many of us enjoy is going to be changed, to the point we hate them, what is the point in spending time or money in getting items that could be changed on us at any time, for no apparent reason? I mean, what’s next, an npc is crying, and if people complain, it could end up changed to a laugh? There have been changes made that are kind of akin to that.
As Charrbeque.8729 mentioned in his post, several sounds have been missing since an update, including the sounds the Princess Doll makes. The Princess Doll no longer does her scream when running or jumping. My friend and I both loved this sound because we found it cute. My friend loved it because she’s a mom, and I love it just because it is cute…enough said =D. Also, there’s nothing more terrifying than a group of cute little princesses running at you while screaming. =D So please fix this. =) Thank You.
Bonus: Princess Doll fun
You mean this? https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/audio/Bug-Mini-Chickenado-missing-sounds/first#post4581453
Yeah. Still waiting for my mini chickenado to cluck again. It’s been about a month since Anet responded in that thread saying the problem was fixed internally.
It’s possible the missing sound issue could be a big problem just taking a while to fix. Other notable issues that were fixed but took a while: the pirate ghost’s voiceover throughout the Sharkmaw Caverns jumping puzzle in Lion’s Arch, the special sound effect from the slingshot shortbow skin, salvage-o-matics, etc.
Don’t know about the mini princess doll screams. I’ve only had it since it went into the gem shop a couple weeks ago. It does seem as though there are still sound files throughout the game missing and/or broken though I can’t remember anything specifically.
I dont know if is just me but, i was in wvw running around in my endless princess tonic and my boyfriend was in quaggan blue tonic. Theres was this river/lake near Bay and i told him look how my doll swims let see the quaggan. And when i touched the water my form disappeared… i was a silvari again and my boyfriend quaggan swim so cute xD
I want the doll to be like it was and if it cant be because some players do get annoyed at the scream, please add a option like a extra skill for the scream, can you please?
Update: I saw someone yesterday with their mini chickenado out and it seemed to be making sounds. So I whipped mine out and sure enough it was. It seems they did fix it after all. The reason why I never noticed before is because the mini chickenado’s sounds are very quiet and hard to hear with the background music, especially all the Wintersday music in Divinity’s Reach.
Compare the mini chickenado to another mini like the princess doll and the chickenado is practically muted.
They should just add another sound option to remove annoying sound,some players like it others dont.
The scream is still missing! I want the scream back too. I love the doll screeching and running.
The scream was not a continuous thing like some other sound FX (I’m looking at you, Golem backpack!) so it wasn’t always getting on peoples’ nerves.
I want my golem sounds back too, please. And my Ghost almost never makes his noises anymore.
Stop spoiling the fun. Add a checkbox to allow disabling of other peoples’ mini sounds, and then restore all the ones you’ve taken away. Everybody wins.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist