So my question is directed at the team behind the dredge fractal and the design choices/bugs that exist in the current version of this fractal. The beginning might sound a bit rant-heavy, but I promise there’s positive motives behind it as you read on.
Okay, so, I just finished one of my many daily runs through a lv. 38 FotM, and I just had one of the worst experiences in this game thanks to the Dredge fractal.
1. Removed Exploits
Okay, ANet, I totally get it; you needed to fix the exploits that people were abusing to make the path easier. While this is completely valid and I applaud the steps toward correction, as exploits should not be used, has anyone on the staff stopped to think about WHY people are using these exploits in the first place? In comparison to every other fractal, this one takes the longest, features the most trash mobs, and probably has the most bugs that are easily noticeable.
2. Fun Factor
This fractal is not fun. In fact, it is the COMPLETE opposite of fun. There is a reason most players and groups doing higher level FotM attempt to “roll” for specific fractals; the Dredge fractal is disproportionately difficult and takes longer in comparison to the Underwater, Swamp, and other fractals. I have yet to see a player say, “Oh, cool, Dredge!” when receiving this fractal. Most of the time, it is met with hatred and disgust, and most players feel drained after completing it.
3. Number of Mobs
The number of mobs in each section of this fractal and the rate they respawn is absolutely ridiculous.
– In the button pressing section, players expect to die, so many plan which 2 players will sacrifice themselves and die on the button pads to ensure an easier time on the control panel. Yes, most players die multiple times just to complete this section. Why is this? The mobs respawn too quickly and there are too many mobs for a group of players to deal with at a time.
- The bomb-running section is by far the worst part of this dungeon due to respawns. I don’t know whether it’s intentional or not, but there can be upwards of 50 dredge at a time that players have to deal with. It’s understandable wanting to create a difficult scenario for players to overcome, but once again, players usually die multiple times just to get through this section alone, and they expect it.
- The Rabsovich fight spawns an obscene amount of mobs for no reason. It is not difficult, it is just tedious and mindless killing that takes forever to do and drains the player of inspiration and enthusiasm to continue.
4. Invulnerability
Speaking of annoying glitches, during the Rabsovich fight, spawning dredge are invulnerable for approximately 3 seconds after becoming visible. Whether intended or not, this becomes frustrating when the dredge are able to initiate on your group before you can initiate on them, and you are unable to estimate when they will become vulnerable so you can time your moves properly. It’s an extremely frustrating mechanic that doesn’t need to be there. Again, it just makes the encounter and fractal take more time than it needs to and wears out the player unnecessarily.
So what I’m saying is this: the reason players are using exploits in this dungeon that the ANet team needs to patch is because the fractal itself isn’t fun and has too many issues that create a negative experience. This doesn’t have to be this way, though, and there’s very simple changes that can be made to improve the fractal’s experience and keep it in line with the difficulty and length of the other fractals.
1. Lower the dredge amount and slow down the respawn rate of the dredge during the pressure-pad sequence. If each chamber had 2 random veterans and a normal dredge, and the final chamber had 2 veterans and a normal dredge on each side, it would be both challenging and manageable. Make the dredge that spawn have a knockdown ability and force players to manage their control abilities. This has potential to be extremely interesting!
2. Lower the dredge amount in the bomb-run to a manageable level. It’s a cool idea that the dredge pick up the bombs you place to attempt to save the door from destruction, but the mechanic isn’t the focal point when there are anywhere from 30-50 dredge spawned in the room that RESPAWN before you can even kill them all. Lower this number to about 7 normal and 3 veterans and this part can be interesting and fun.
3. During the Rabsovich fight, the trash mob dredge should only spawn so long as Rabsovich is alive. Once Rabsovich is dead, players should be able to proceed.
4. During the final fight versus the Legendary Powersuit or Ice Elemental, certain control mechanics on some professions do not seem to interrupt the boss properly out of its heal when it has the molten debuff on it.
(continued on next post)