[Bug] Raid Wing 2 DC and rollback after Wipe

[Bug] Raid Wing 2 DC and rollback after Wipe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Delwar.4201


My guild has experienced disconnection from server and rollback of items whenever we /gg in raid, wipe or kick someone who is stuck in a different instance to re invite them back. Our items disappeared from our inventory, and food we consumed were back in inventory.

Xera DC
We all dced after a wipe during Xera and some folks lost their kill credit from Twisted Castle. (Losing credit for Twisted castle maze wasn’t a big issue for most of us)

After we killed Xera, one person left the raid instance. This caused everyone who was inside to DC and lose the loot they just got from Xera. We had to kill Xera Twice !!!

Here is a screenshot of two folks who got those two items (White mantle portal and ascended weapon chest). After the DC, those two items were gone from their inventory along with other loot from the kill. After our second kill, those same two people got nice exotic drops. Meanwhile my drop from 2nd kill was great compared to the first the xera kill. (1st kill dropped exotic, 2nd kill gave me an ascended )

Commander of Sentinels of Melandru

(edited by Delwar.4201)