Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Has anyone else had better luck with the “Shockwave Skipper” achievement?

I just had a really good run with a group where we burned down the Berserker really fast. I stayed far enough away to not get hit by any of the shock waves and I didn’t notice one in my combat log, which sadly I can;t scroll far enough back to see the entire fight. The only thing I can think of that I didn’t do was “evade” a shock wave. I had just avoided them all.

Who has gotten this achievement, and are there any details you can share?

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Basket of Boxes.1976

Basket of Boxes.1976

I have done it three times now without being hit and even dodging one or two. It might be something stupid like nobody can be hit.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Flash.6912


I haven’t get this achievement either. Anyone got this? plz share if not is it bugged?

R.I.P Kumu <3

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Any chance there is new information on this or people who have found a way to get the achievement?

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thorquist.8126


Did it a hour ago. Never got hit by the berserker. No achievement. GG ANet.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brotaku.1823


We really need some clarification on how to get this achievement. Please, can someone from the staff clarify how we’re supposed to get it? Yeah, we could just brush it off as “no big deal” and ignore this achievement altogether, but it’s a valid part of the game and some of us want to know how to get it. Don’t put it in if you don’t mean for it to be obtainable…

I really hope the answer is that it’s bugged and that it doesn’t require relying on others to dodge the shockwave. One of the problems I have with this game is “achievements” being too reliant (sometimes, not always) on other people. My achievement pane should be for achievements that I have achieved. If someone else screws up, why should I be punished for meeting the goal and doing something hard when someone else messes up? Kind of a little mini-rant and slightly off-topic, but that’s why I hope that this is individual, not required for everyone to dodge in order for everyone to get it.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rick.5781


It isn’t dependent on other people as far as I can tell. I stayed out of range of all his shockwaves and didn’t get the achievement, but others in my party did get it.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I got the Achievement after about the third go-round with the Wurm. Just kept jumping. The fewer people around, the easier to see the shockwaves, at least for me.

That said, I got just as many shockwaves-jumped in the bigger group, as the smaller group.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I got the Achievement after about the third go-round with the Wurm. Just kept jumping. The fewer people around, the easier to see the shockwaves, at least for me.

That said, I got just as many shockwaves-jumped in the bigger group, as the smaller group.

Wrong achievement. This is about the fractal achievement.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Oh..my bad. Sorry, having blonde moment, I guess. Lol.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Byte Me.4270

Byte Me.4270

I have been working to earn this achievement, also. I have spoken with several individuals who have achieved it, and the only thing they seem to have in common is that they killed the dredge first, meaning that the berzerker was upgraded. Now, I have tried both ways, and I have completely stayed outside of the range of the shockwaves and have not earned this achievement. I will try dodging and jumping over the shockwaves in phase 2 of this fight when I am able.

In the meanwhile, for those of you who have earned this, would you mind sharing the conditions in which you earned it? (Did you dodge or jump at least once; did your team kill the melee or ranged mob first; etc).

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I also killed the Berserker first once, never got hit by any shockwaves (thank you 1500 range Longbow!), got hit by 1 fire field at the Firestorm in 2nd phase, but no achievement.

Tried killing the Firestorm first last night, but sadly got hit by a shockwave in Phase 2, so can’t confirm whether or not the Berserker needs to be alive in Phase 2 to get the achievement.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mjospina.8619


I’ve played this almost 20 times.. with at least 6 times successfully dodging all zerker attacks and at least twice without being hit by any of them. FOTM scales varied all the way to 50. Tried re-logging on second half with another toon after zerker was dead.

Sadly still reporting that that’s the only achievement I don’t have from FOTM.

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Byte Me.4270

Byte Me.4270

I just finished a run with absolutely no damaged taken (all avoided by staying out of range). I did not receive the achievement. I will post again when I have dodged/jumped at least one wave with the results.

Just for informational purposes:
Firestorm killed first
All attacks completely avoided — No damage taken (nothing dodged/jumped, however)
I did not spawn any clones (my class is a mesmer — I have to avoid spawning clones as when they’re hit it counts as though I’m hit)

If anyone has achieved this within the last few days sees this post, or anyone trying to get it knows someone who has, please direct them to this post so that we may better identify the conditions for achieving this.

Some questions I would like to know:

When is the achievement awarded: After zerker dies (if first)/Immediately after second boss dies/After the ready panel displays

Did you have to dodge/jump a shockwave or did you completely avoid it?

(edited by Byte Me.4270)

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aomine.5012


This bug had been there forever and still no official staff responding to this.
Several hundred thousands of people have experience this and report this numerous time and nothing happened throughout half year…

The quality of Anet development team… (Sigh)

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Bug: Shockwave Skipper (maybe?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Megis.9264


Same problem, never seems to pop. The random damage, that comes out of nowhere, doesn’t help, either. And no, I’m not talking about the agony, though, that is annoying, too.