[Bug] Update 5.2.2017: massive frame drops
My hardware isn’t half as awesome, but I have the same issues with the fps drops after the patch.
Same here. Was doing T4 fracts, and party members also experiencing the same issue.
GPU: 1070gtx
CPU: i7 4790k
32gb of ram.
Updated the latest nvidia drivers. Seemed to have smooth things out…
I wanted to report back after the latest rounds of updates.
It looks like for the most part this issue has seen significant improvements. When on the airship on the bow and looking back towards the airship I still experience frame drops into the low 60s (down from 100+) BUT I believe this is less of an issue with changes in the code and more a natural consequence of trying to render so many high quality characters (NPCS and Players) at once. Still way better than dropping below 20s, and there are no more noticeable jitters or stutters so the experience remains smooth.
Overall, performance has significantly improved with the latest patches. Thank you ArenaNet!
(edited by Sondergaard.8469)