[Bug] WvW - Tower/Garrison Bounds

[Bug] WvW - Tower/Garrison Bounds

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metalized.5130


I experienced the following:

I was standing on the wall of a tower in WvW, jumping towards the outer bounds of the tower but after jumping I landed inside the tower once again.
This happened to me multiple times already, though I can’t exactly tell you whether it happens on specific towers or not. It also happened to me on the northern garrison on the “Eternal Battlegrounds” map yesterday.

So this might be a problem already, but a greater menace is the fact that it occurs the other way round also. So when I stand on the tower’s wall and clearly jump towards the inside of the tower I land outside of the tower right next to the wall, forced to use the gate to get back in once again.
That could be a severe problem when the tower is under massive attack and you just land right in the middle of the enemy crowd accidently.
When this happens the normal falling animation is not performed, but you get kinda teleported immediately to the ground next to the wall, whether it is inside or outside the tower.

Unfortunately I can’t reproduce this bug . It happens sometimes (definately more than 5 times already) but most of the time everything is fine.
One thing that I can mention is, that I think I was standing very close to the tower’s gate when running towards the wall’s border. This might be the scenario causing the bug.
Maybe someone else also experienced this, who could explain the circumstances in more detail, so feel free to add some information.

I experienced it once again yesterday on mendon’s tower at the eternal battlegrounds, ankittenpt a closer look on it this time.
It happens when you jump off the wall exactly above the colored gate that allows access to the team holding the tower, which makes kind of sense.
I nevertheless think it’s a problem, because normally when you jump you would land far away from that gate, but with the problem I mentioned you ain’t got the chance to jump that far, as you get “teleported” as soon as you leave the wall’s border (still on top of it). So you may still get accidently taken to the wrong side of the tower.

(edited by Metalized.5130)