Bug in Citadel of Flames - exploit, perhaps?
Is it even working as intended now? Because, honestly, there spawn a hell of a lot mobs and with all of them hitting hard, and taking massive damage before dieing, it is kind of impossible to do atm. Especially those archers.
The point of i believe anet is trying to get is not to run and hide, but make the instance MORE challenging considering people who hit 80 were able to complete it no problem. As of now u need a really good group and coordination to do that part, instead of running and kiting, you kill. As for the jumping on the lamp and getting over the wall, sadly you miss out on 5 Carvings at the part, resulting in 15 total tokens rather than 20.
It’s just too many mobs to fight them all! I have tried with multiple groups, just impossible to do. Best option is to keep trying to kite them. Tried the 3rd route today but that reward is bugged, so don’t bother trying that route…
Same issue. Been in Sorrow’s Embrace.
3 members got 26 silver / 178k exp. 2 members got 2.6 silver 17.8k exp at the first and second run right after the patch.
Nobody ran it before.
Took another path – got: 13 silver, 9 silver, 9 silver, 2.6 silver, 2.6 silver.
After that repeated the previous path and got: 6.5 silver, 6.5 silver, 6.5 silver, ~3 silver, ~3 silver.
After that: ~3 silver, ~3 silver, ~3 silver, 2.6 silver, 2.6 silver.
It is not working as intended for sure.
@Kilroy; thing is, you don’t miss out on NOTHING at all. Like I said, you complete the event because you’re able to trigger it from the platform. The mobs spawn, do nothing until it reaches 100 and you’re able to get the chest. No tokens missed at all.
Also, I don’t know what you guys read, but you’re not getting the OP. This is not a discussion about what was changed and why, but a clear way of sitting through the second event chest AND STILL GET THE REWARDS FOR IT.
Pre-patch, I’ve had the honor of being with a group of mine, that was capable of completeing CoF EXP in a time of 13:51. From when the choosing of which path to take is completed, until the instance is completed and the final idols and silver is rewarded. A group that can achieve a 13:51 time on that instance with those moments in time as the start/stop. I felt pretty confident in our ability to complete the updated version. Less than 15 minutes ago, I logged off furious. The lava field took twice as long to complete than it did to accomplish all the previous sections of the instance. Then pulling out every stop possible for as I like to call “Ring around the rosie” attempting to survive by running and hiding during Magg’s “Kaboomium” application, we died. Then with coordination we prioritized targets that appeared and focus damaged them down. We ultimately achieved 95% on Maggs application of the “Kaboomium” and all quit the instance with each over a 15s repair bill. I understand to limit the end reward to just one day, or to even reduce it by half for the all the runs after the first. One opinion out of millions that play the game. I am very unpleased with the changes made to this instance.
had multiple groups do this today, i unfortunately stayed for the first group doing it. they [redacted for fear of revealing exploit which is worse than what op experienced] which is where i left. i will not be doing cof anymore until either the geometry of that wall mentioned by the op is fixed, or something, because after the changes people are just exploiting twice as hard. so to be clear its possible to get 5 extra tokens, which makes this clearly an exploit, that i assume people will be banned for abusing.
(edited by chrismoke.4980)
So let me re-cap:
People exploited a weakness in game mechanic and instead of fixing that exploit they made certain encounters impossible to complete without exploiting. And the argument for this: because it was too easy.
Yeah, well… exploits can do this
Nice going ^^
Tried it with another group, better equipped (all exotics) and a better group setup (2 warriors, 2 guardians, 1 necro ), still the bomb-encounter was more a “wipe and release so npc doesnt die” than really defending him.
It really leaves a bad aftertaste and I wont bother with this dungeon at all anymore until it is properly done.
So far all dungeons were a huge disappointment.
@ Dimez.4127 – The very fact that anyone was able to complete this dungeon, on Explorable mode, in 13 minutes 51 seconds speaks for itself. It was way too easy.
I’ve ran this dungeon post-nerf with a pug and yeah, we did struggle with the gate event, and ended up corpse-running (not awesome) but we did it. 1st time we had to restart 5 times. 2nd time 3 times. 3rd time we one-shot it in spite of one of our players DC:ing on us. Atleast now people actually have to work together to get through the event and I for one prefer it that way.
Doing CoF EXP in less than 20 minutes proves that it’s too easy. But the fixes they made were barely acceptable.
1 – Crossing Lava fields. Everybody now has to cross the lava fields. Yes, it’s still easy to cross it, but Magg dies all the time. He attacks all the monsters and lures them to him instead of just running. IMO they should make Magg an NPC that only follow and doesn’t attack enemies. He’s barely of any help anyway.
2 – Time Bomb. Way too OP. Monsters spawn too many and hit too hard. Charging time for the bomb takes too long (was like x3).
3 – Rewards. On some runs, the rewards are simply not worth it. From 26silver per run, it now rewards us with random silver amounting from 2s to 26s.
So let me re-cap:
People exploited a weakness in game mechanic and instead of fixing that exploit they made certain encounters impossible to complete without exploiting. And the argument for this: because it was too easy.
Yeah, well… exploits can do thisNice going ^^
Tried it with another group, better equipped (all exotics) and a better group setup (2 warriors, 2 guardians, 1 necro
), still the bomb-encounter was more a “wipe and release so npc doesnt die” than really defending him.
It really leaves a bad aftertaste and I wont bother with this dungeon at all anymore until it is properly done.
So far all dungeons were a huge disappointment.
Well I did this dungeon 5 minutes ago and we did kite the monster at the “defend when magg plant the bomb” and died a lot of time for each player… well it realy cost alot for repair but we did it and the chest didnt even appear….but when we finished the stage in the ritual room it give the chest then we talked with magg and it did the “plant the bomb” event again…. so we glitched the dungeon without doing the “jump accross the door glitch” but did the dungeon as they wanted us to do so honestly i dont know if we should realy kite the monster or not now … because the result of kite the monster / glitch the dungeon will be the same!
PS: Sorry in advance i know my english is bad ^^
Imo they should spawn more mobs, but normal mobs and not elite. More to kill is always fun and profitable and would be even more a feeling of “having to defend” that little npc-thingy.
Less mobs, but really hard ones makes it more like a boss-encounter instead of defending.
Whatever direction they change it to, it HAS to be changed. If people rather kite than kill something with a timer it shows that there is something severely wrong with it.
I see that many are using the word “exploit” and that really chops my assberry.
The dungeon is NOT DOABLE in its current state. We have groups with full exotic gear, food buffs and whatnots and cannot manage to complete it.
That’s why we jump across the gate, not for exploiting but for FINISHING and gettin the charr carvings to get the f****g gear. It’s not an exploit but merely a means of actually finishing the dungeon.
The end-game content is PvP, WvW, jumping puzzles and gear farming. Take that away and you have nothing, buff it too hard and you have no players willing to throw 3 hours away for 2,60 silver and 17k xp and 25 charr carvings.
I myself am an upright guy. Random people sent me their email by mistake with AWESOME material and I returned it, because that’s the fair thing to do. If I had the feeling this was an exploit I wouldn’t have done it. I want to finish CoF, that’s why I jump.
Fix the impossibru level over 9000 status of the dungeon and all will be fine and we wont have to jump.
I see that many are using the word “exploit” and that really chops my assberry.
The dungeon is NOT DOABLE in its current state. We have groups with full exotic gear, food buffs and whatnots and cannot manage to complete it.
That’s why we jump across the gate, not for exploiting but for FINISHING and gettin the charr carvings to get the f****g gear. It’s not an exploit but merely a means of actually finishing the dungeon.
And the reason it’s like that is because of people like you farm running it non-stop. And now that you’ve forced the developers’ to make it harder for everyone— you now exploit it so you can keep farming it at the rate you used to before the changes occurred.
Good job. Not.
I see that many are using the word “exploit” and that really chops my assberry.
The dungeon is NOT DOABLE in its current state. We have groups with full exotic gear, food buffs and whatnots and cannot manage to complete it.
That’s why we jump across the gate, not for exploiting but for FINISHING and gettin the charr carvings to get the f****g gear. It’s not an exploit but merely a means of actually finishing the dungeon.And the reason it’s like that is because of people like you farm running it non-stop. And now that you’ve forced the developers’ to make it harder for everyone— you now exploit it so you can keep farming it at the rate you used to before the changes occurred.
Good job. Not.
I totally agree, well said mate!
Tis only what you can do for all
I see that many are using the word “exploit” and that really chops my assberry.
The dungeon is NOT DOABLE in its current state. We have groups with full exotic gear, food buffs and whatnots and cannot manage to complete it.
That’s why we jump across the gate, not for exploiting but for FINISHING and gettin the charr carvings to get the f****g gear. It’s not an exploit but merely a means of actually finishing the dungeon.The end-game content is PvP, WvW, jumping puzzles and gear farming. Take that away and you have nothing, buff it too hard and you have no players willing to throw 3 hours away for 2,60 silver and 17k xp and 25 charr carvings.
I myself am an upright guy. Random people sent me their email by mistake with AWESOME material and I returned it, because that’s the fair thing to do. If I had the feeling this was an exploit I wouldn’t have done it. I want to finish CoF, that’s why I jump.
Fix the impossibru level over 9000 status of the dungeon and all will be fine and we wont have to jump.
Seriously? just because YOU can’t do it it means it’s impossible? Guess what? I do this dungeon 5+ times a night. Even now. Here’s how:
1.Have at LEAST one heavy
2.When the bomber part comes in (The only hard part of the entire dungeon, though the Lava part does have annoying bugs now), kill the first Smoke guy (caster thing) that spawns.
3. Run around like chickens with your heads cut off.
4.If you die, respawn ASAP. You you’re friends die, MAKE 100% sure that the enemies chase YOU instead of attacking Magg.
I would assume that they DO want us to kill these enemies, but if Anet actually played the dungeon, they would know that fighting 6 silver enemies at the same time is impossible. Not to mention said enemies kill even the most well armored Guardian in just a few hits. They kill my thief in 1 most of the time (least toughness class) so I’d be pretty worthless if they really want us to kill the enemies at this section of the dungeon. But yeah, this dungeon is NOT impossible. It’s just stupid hard. I honestly don’t blame people for skipping that section since all you get is 5 carvings from the chest and lose 5-12 silver in deaths.
(edited by Kougeru.4369)
Actually this Magg CoF run still give lot of silver i receive 26 silver each time i run it but somes people receive 1~26 silver too… dunno what system they did there honestly lol random silver drop from 1 to 26…
Right, I’ll try to answer all of you.
Jezath.7395: & Parvati.5780: People like me make A-net money. We continue to farm the dungeons after all of YOU (since you’ve put a label on me, I’ll stick one on your a s s) have stopped because it got monotonous. We maintain the population of the active players.
Also, the rate you are talking about… it’s just about the same now as it has been before this jumping puzzle way. I like to farm because of the reward it brings. I like the CoF armor, if that’s so wrong, then /insert cliche/ I dont want to be right
Kougeru.4369: My point wasn’t that because I couldnt, NO ONE could. I actually agree with you that it is possible to run through, it’s just impposibru hard. But as I have said before, the end-game point is to farm the dungeons… A-net just doesn’t want us to do it in a month hence the ridiculous buffs to the NPCs…
But as you’ve said yourself, you can’t blame people for wanting to get the carvings, that’s what the dungeon is for, right? So "over"farm isn’t really a sensible term for something that is actually meant to be farmed to the extreme in order to recieve all armor pieces. Just think about it; 20 pieces every run and full set requires 1200 carvings…
This thread has derailed from a bug report into a flame war.
THis thread is closed.