Bug with September Monthly Achievement?

Bug with September Monthly Achievement?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Prophet.6954


So, I still had a tremendous amount of things to salvage, and had already resorted to not only salvaging whites, but also blues…and finally to the trading post to buy salvagable cloth. I finally hit the achievement, spending much time I definitely don’t prefer, doing world vs world, buying things to salvage, and running events in hopes of vast treasure, only to get 59 copper. As a level 80, that’s what most whites are worth, and I bought almost 100 to help me finish the salvage requirements..

Is this right? A lvl 80 getting 59 copper and a few thousand xp for a monthly achievement? This one was massively time consuming, and the reward seemed paltry.
Just curious if this is bugged or?

Bug with September Monthly Achievement?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: olafton.6893


I tend to agree with the OP that the monthly rewards are a bit lacking…I wasn’t 80 when I got my monthly achievement but it was 70 cp, 4,740 xp, and 20 Mystic Coins…I think the part that is supposed to matter is the Mystic Coins as you need loads of them for Legendary weapons or something…but as for me I am not planning on a Legendary any time soon…I am not playing the game to get the most “Leet” weapons…but for something that takes so much time to achieve this should be more worth it