Bug with armor dye on twilight heavy armor legs

Bug with armor dye on twilight heavy armor legs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Angryjanitor.5940


The heavy armor legs from TA don’t dye correctly compared to other pieces of my armor. You can see in the screenshot what its supposed to look like on my hero panel and then what it really looks like in the world. Not sure if other players see it the way I do, but its pretty annoying. It basically takes whatever dye you put on it and amplifies the brightness by a factor of five or something along those lines.

So far I only have the heavy legs from twilight arbor so other versions might be messed up too, but this post is about the legs.

Sidenote: I did transmute the legs from crafted armor and I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it.


Bug with armor dye on twilight heavy armor legs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zurchol.7523


Just bought the leggings, and having same issue. I also transmuted the item.

E: It seems to be bugging only at nighttime, as night changed to day in the game, the leggings were showing correctly

(edited by Zurchol.7523)

Bug with armor dye on twilight heavy armor legs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Angryjanitor.5940


My legs have never shown correctly. =(

Bug with armor dye on twilight heavy armor legs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skeeby.4693


On my sylvari, no matter what color i dye the armor, theres always blue highlights that i cant get rid of.

after reading multiple posts with varying problems, it seems this armor is just straight up buggy.