Bug with autoattacking when chaning attunement?

Bug with autoattacking when chaning attunement?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Puxo.6028


When I change to, only time I have seen it is to air attunement my character attacks close enemys auto, even if they dont are in combat with me or are “yellow” so not hostile. Its kinda irritating as somertimes I want to go air for speed buff, and if I attack something automatic its kinda “worse” then just run normal

Using Staff, human elementalist.

Other thing is, dont know if its intented but the range of the Air element spell “Chain Lightning”, the range is sometimes very irritating as it can pull mobs “far” away of your target.
I understand it should pull / attack mobs close to target. But sometimes the range feel abit to long so I always have to be miles away to be safe when using it.. Kinda sad

Bug with autoattacking when chaning attunement?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soulblazer.3105


Yea I have also noticed that and especially when I change to air just like you for a speed boost and i take a train of mobs with me cause the auto attack of air is the chain lightning so you can pull more that one. However until they fix it, you can avoid doing that by spam clicking the ground just after you press to change attunement as it cancels your target and stops the attack.