Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


Dungeon rewards have been bugged ever since they introduced diminishing rewards for me; always getting 13 silver and such on first runs of the day and always 2 silver after no matter what. Some accounts seem unaffected, as my boyfriend always gets the full rewards and the system appears working as intended for him.

I, like many others, assumed this would be a thing of the past after today’s patch, but actually, its ended up worse for me.

Tried TA just now first time today and post patch and got 13 silver 88k xp and 30 tokens – BUT I discovered another massive bug with it shortly after this.

I was screenshotting the diminished reward and about to report it but whilst I was doing this, a team member left. Whether they left the instance or party I don’t know, all I know is this KICKED ME OUT of Twilight Arbor, before I had accepted the reward of 13 silver, 88k XP and 30 tokens.

It should be noted this happened only about 5 seconds after the reward popped up, so It was not a lengthy time interval at all.

So after the loading screen, my character is stood back outside of TA and the unclaimed reward pops up. BUT, its not the same. It has NO money, NO experience and 1 deadly bloom. Yes, just one token.

I stupidly thought maybe the reward screen had bugged appearance wise since it had to reload due to me being kicked out of TA, so I didn’t screenshot and just accepted. But no, when I accepted, I did indeed just receive 1 deadly bloom with no cash or experience alongside it.

PS. FYI, This is TA Explorable and my character has been level 80 for weeks.

I’m more than a little frustrated right now, don’t have the energy to do any further trials with dungeons and TBH I’m rather worried someone will exit party or instance and this will happen to me again. I am really burnt out after this latest glitch.

Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ilostmyaffro.6512


Happened to me as well.. pathetic..

Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: puredogg.4607


I can also say that I was booted out of an instance when someone had to leave. It’s a shame because we were at the final boss when it happened and the instance reset. Sorry to here about your rewards being lost.

Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


If the instance owner leaves the party the instance gets deleted and everyone booted out.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Bugged Dungeon Reward Post Patch - NO Exp, NO money, 1 token

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


If the instance owner leaves the party the instance gets deleted and everyone booted out.

- – Okay, well… that’s fine (stupid, but fine) but that doesn’t excuse the reward bugging to the extent it does afterward.

Basically, as the game stands right now you need to accept your reward as quickly as possible guys (in fact, don’t even READ it) in case you have a trigger happy leader who leaves and bugs your reward to nothing but 1 token.
