Bugged skill points and more

Bugged skill points and more

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


Hi anet devs and everyone else…with anets impressive record on keeping up to date and being very quick to identify and let us know when they are aware of bugs how come it feels I haven’t heard anything on the bugged skill points that came with this latest patch.

I have many skill points around the place that are bugged out wont work…including ones I have already completed now showing up as undone etc. I curious if its my own ignorance or if nothing has been mentioned of this yet…its not just me either many in my guild and on server have mentioned " i just need 4 more skill points til world explored, waiting on anet to fix bugged skill points " etc.

Can someone shed light on this please? Thanks have a good day! =)

Bugged skill points and more

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I’m sure these things are being looked into but on the list of critical issues. These bugs are not as high as other problems in the game. They will be fixed eventually but until a lot of the major issues dealing with DR are dealt with, I feel these are not on the priority list of what needs to be finished now. Expect them to be fixed but don’t be surprised if it takes awhile.

Bugged skill points and more

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


yea fair call Ive only just hit 80 and I have heard a lot of guildies frustrated about the DR issues. Makes sense still annoying though haha