Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mathias Schnell.9704

Mathias Schnell.9704

Race – Human
Class – Ele
Lost Parents/Balthazar/Dignity/Order of Whispers

I’m on the “Tower Down” story quest and I’m noticing two annoyances going on. 1 – There’s quite a bit of lag, which is strange considering this is a story quest in its own instance and I’m doing it alone. 2 – It seems like, at random times, the various triggers for the next quest objective won’t trigger. It happened once when I got to the second tower and Demonlitionist Torn wouldn’t set the bomb on it, and now it’s happened again at the very end of the quest when I had to clear the undead after blowing up the third tower. The next objective won’t appear, so I can’t finish the quest, and now I feel as though I’ve completely wasted my time and there’s no way to fix this besides exiting the story instance and trying again from the start, hoping it doesn’t stop again.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tburge.1837


I’ve done it 3 times and have had the same issue everytime, after clearing the beach after the 3rd tower is down the quest does not continue.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ickytwerp.9086


I am having this issue as well.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jelloz.8493


So am I, wish someone would respond, I want to continue my story quest, not just replay a bugged quest over and over.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eroberry.6284


I just had this issue and now i’m ticked off. It would have been better if I had encountered a bug earlier on in the story quest, but at the very last part of it…. Now i have to redo the entire thing, killing the same old boring undead mobs over and over and over again. I am not impressed.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shayde.2564


They really should have an autocomplete on exit, if the objectives are all done. NPC’s triggering completion is terribly buggy, in several story quests, and incredibly frustrating. There’s literally nothing you can do about it, and advancement is frozen.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andy Rymz.7518

Andy Rymz.7518

I’m a Human Ranger playing solo, as with everyone else, get’s stuck although states I’ve cleared the beach. Gone back and checked area is fully cleared and it is. Incredibly frustrating, any chance of an update as to what’s happening with it please?

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kenran.9236


Also keep having this problem. Please fix this ASAP, since not being able to complete the story (which was my main focus) sucks…

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Satouling.1490


I am having this issue too, hope Anet will fix this soon…….
i have do it many times but also can’t continue the story.

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mibsweden.9753


I am also having this issue

Bugged story quest "Tower Down". Human Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: luckigrrl.1894


asura engineer, I had the same problem my first run, but after relogging it went smoothly. it was pretty annoying after only one failed run; I can imagine three without completion would be really frustrating!