Bugged weapon sigils in some Fractals

Bugged weapon sigils in some Fractals

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pyles.5301


Since the build about a day ago “fixing bugs and exploits”, the mobs inside a couple of the fractals dungeons no longer create buff stacks from Bloodlust, Precision, Luck Sigils on death that previously did. We had reports in guild that the Blood (lifetap chance on crit) Sigils were also not working on these mobs. Bosses seems to trigger the above but not regular mobs.

The most prevalant was the Ascolonian Charr fractal. I dont think a single vet/normal mob generated a buff stack since the new patch. The bosses did. The loot drops from the mobs cleared were significantly lower aswell. Almost as if they were flagged as “minion” style mobs.

There was another fractal which had a similar issue to a lesser extent but my mind is mush on which.