Bugs together

Bugs together

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rydell.2736


umm so apologies for creating a new thread, read all the bug threads, but recently, i have been recieving all of them together.

till yesterday, me entering the dungeons was glitched, could not enter, got the prompt, clicked on it and nothing happened. waypoint changed, character reselected, map left and joined, party left and joined, relogged whole client. nothing changes.
My party details were stuck on whatever previous map the players were on and so they show blank.
today however, i started to not see my party at all. i’m in party, but can’t see anyone in it. like im not in one. can read and reply in party chat however. and the dungeon prompts also stopped totally from coming.
for my guild, its showing me as “1/1” , being only one in my guild. i can’t see or write in guild chat.
my friend list is showing all of friends offline. one of them was talking to me on ts, so i whispered to him. he then showed online but location said unknown.

Apologies for creating a separate thread. but i had many things acting on me together.

Bugs together

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calreth.4912


I’m having the same issue, started happening last night (about ~20 hours ago from time of this post). It’s like I enter into a completely different instance from them.

Bugs together

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: roseimperial.9326


I’ve been having this problem too.. no contacts, no party, can’t enter dungeons, 1/1 in guilds, everything. I was thinking of re-installing the client?

Bugs together

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ITH.3518


Yes, I have the same issues (about guild and party). I add another party issue in this thread too: the game auto-kicked me out from the party for 4/5 times.

Bugs together

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: yorick.1305


exactly the same for me, EU on US server however for the US guys (in my guild) everything’s normal.

Bugs together

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sedith.5381


I wouldn’t reinstall the client just yet, this seems to be a bigger problem affecting most of the players & guilds… See here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Missing-Guild