Bunch of bugs

Bunch of bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WonderfulCT.6278


Don’t really want to create a different topic for each bug so I think its better to just put them all here.

-Guardian Ring of Warding keeps allowing players through for almost no reason. I think if they’re in the air or under the effects of some kind of movement other than running they’re more likely to escape. Ex. using Banish (hammer 4) usually knocks them out.

-Immobolize interrupts Pistol Whip. This applies to a lot of skills that just seem to fail cause you are immobilized. Also being immobilized in the air puts you into a glitchy falling state.

-Using a stun breaker while dazed and dodge rolling does not break the stun.

-You cannot escape from deep freeze regardless if you use stun breakers or break the ice. Idk if this is intended or not. Teleporting does not end it either.

-That bug where people appear to be where they are not and only updates if they move.

-Switching weapons in the air with hydromancy seems to cause the sigil not to activate.

These are just random bugs I run across daily that bother me more or less.

Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.