Called to Service mission/talking to Gavin?
I am having the same issue. Anyone know the solution?
Edit: Left, restarted, managed to finish it on second try.
(edited by Nesbitt.2394)
Content Designer
I’ve run through this story step twice with no issues. When you reach the exit and clear out the Risen in the way, Gavin says he’s too wounded to continue, the objectives changes to “Speak with Gain” and he becomes marked with a story star. Speaking with him plays a dialogue cutscene, and completes the story step.
I just did it the first time, and while the objective changed as you say, I didn’t have the option to talk to Gavin. I’d run ahead of him and killed; I’ll try it again.
Second time it worked fine.
On the first time, he just stood there after the objective changed; on the second, he knelt and I had the F(Talk) come up.
I have had this quest bug on me several times with two different characters. I can always get to the point in which I need to speak to Gavin upon reaching the cave exit, but then either nothing happens after talking to him, or I cannot talk/interact with him at all and he just stands or kneels there.
I’ve gotten past it by resetting it (twice with my first character and once with my second).
This problem occurred yesterday (May 8th, 2014) and today (May 9th, 2014).