Camera Zooming Behavioral Issues
I think most of us have long ago given up on them ever fixing this. The Super Adventure Box was supposedly designed to try to avoid camera issues like this, but I doubt they’ll go back and fix the content like this that has been broken since launch.
But who knows, maybe your post will be the one that gets them to make the camera usable, not randomly zoom in and out, and not only want to look at the ground.
There have been countless and very long topics on the buggy camera. But many of them have become buried in the forum. But it is good that people keep bringing it up again. Because maybe the issue will then eventually be addressed.
Every once in a while this topic comes up and honestly, after almost a year since release, I have effectively given up hope that these issues will ever be fixed.
It’s a hard thing to say, but either ArenaNet can’t be bothered, or their teams are just too busy doing living story content with little investment in fixing old bugs like this. Perhaps it’s just too big an undertaking. I don’t know.
The majority of players doesn’t seem to be very vocal about the camera bugs and lack of camera options on the forums. There’s a strong vocal minority, and that unfortunately gives the developers a very false perception of how irritating possibly large scale these issues really are.