Camera bugs on transformation

Camera bugs on transformation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rimetin.3405



So I’m doing the story “The Ghost Rite (lvl51)”, the Priory storyline right after the Battle of Claw Island. And upon transforming into the avatar of Balthazar, this rather annoying camera bug happens (picture attached.)

So basically, I think my model should be about three times bigger than it is now (I’ve done this before, but like half a year ago now and it was definitely bigger, right now it stands at about my character’s heigh. For reference, he’s a sylvari.) This bug also happens in one of the renown heart quests in Caledon Forest, the one at the soutwestern corner of the map where you have to help in gardening and turn into a mossheart.

This bug makes it really hard to see anything, especially behind you, which can result in death if you don’t see approaching enemies, and it also starts hurting my head after a while – I feel like I need to be craning my neck, and obviously it doesn’t help cause it’s a game and moving my head or straining my eyes won’t help me see anything the interface won’t show me.
