No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
Camera control issues - a documented list
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
Hey everyone,
In the meantime, if you have suggestions or comments on ways we can improve the camera, please keep your feedback concise, constructive, and consolidated to this thread. While we may not reply to every comment, we’re constantly going through the forums and reading your suggestions.
Thanks again!
Here are the things I’d like to see improved. For more details on each bullet point, please refer to my thread in the suggestion forums found here.
Camera-Related Issues (in order of importance relative to implementation difficulty):
- Remove the camera acceleration and camera snap (make camera movement 100% linear with mouse movement). This should be priority number one; players don’t like playing games with non-responsive/laggy feeling cameras.
- Make the camera’s turn speed independent of the game’s FPS. Currently low FPS makes the camera turn extremely slowly.
- Increase the Field of Vision or add a FOV slider.
- Change the angle and orientation of the camera so the player isn’t always looking down at the ground
- Improve the camera collision detection so the camera isn’t constantly zooming in and out (especially during jump puzzles or in areas with low-clearance such as low-trees or cave ceilings).
- Allow players to zoom the camera out more
- Increase the speed that the A and D keys turn the character/camera and remove the acceleration (make the A/D keys turn at full speed as soon as they’re pressed rather than getting progressively faster as they are held down).
- Make the left-click button select targets on release rather than key-press so when attempting to turn the camera random targets aren’t selected
- Allow the camera to be zoomed out while the right-mouse-button is held down
- Make the downed-state camera not reset back to an overhead-center position after ~5 seconds of no camera movement
- Add an option to ‘lock’ the camera to the mouse (like it is when the RMB is held down) at all times and have a modifier key (like shift) bring up the free-moving cursor in-order to interact with the game world.
Fix the ‘camera glitch’ that causes the camera to suddenly jerk and then reset the cursor to the middle of the screen.Update: I believe this has been fixed, can anyone else confirm?
(edited by SeanPoez.8407)
Totalbiscuit: What a PC Options menu is supposed to look like
Some people understand.
thats exactly what i, without a doubt, expected from the GW2 menu, biggest delusion i ever had in my gaming life…
….. I might have a chat with my lawyer friend
When this is the only way to convince Anet to implement a camera that doesn’t totally suck, go for it. When people are able to return their game by court decision (because of the missing hint that it can cause health problems) you can count the seconds until the camera is fixed and a fov slider from 10 to 350 degree is added, lol.
But I guess as we are just a few hundred ppl who have this problem, and the rest of 1.99 milion do not, we are just colateral damage.
You would be surprised that there is a lot more than just a few hundred people complaining. I’ve seen chats in game about people talking about how bad the camera is, I’ve seen multiple posts on reddit, and other gw2 fan sites addressing their concerns about the camera as well and all my friends who play it know it sucks.
I’m also pretty sure there is a decent amount of people out there who knows the camera design is screwed up, but aren’t the type to be vocal about it in the forums.
What I’d also like to add is to make the right mouse button turn the character while standing still. I can’t remember how many times I leapt in the wrong direction in jumping puzzles and combat. Not to mention the character disconnection, inability to read player facing in PvP and more.
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
What I’d also like to add is to make the right mouse button turn the character while standing still. I can’t remember how many times I leapt in the wrong direction in jumping puzzles and combat. Not to mention the character disconnection, inability to read player facing in PvP and more.
Yeah, I was annoyed by that.
A key to toggle mouse looking instead of having to constantly hold the mouse button would be nice too.
But I guess as we are just a few hundred ppl who have this problem, and the rest of 1.99 milion do not, we are just colateral damage.
If all the people that have this issue will stop playing it’s no big loss for Anet. They got our money from the box anyway.
Not everyone who has the problem posts an actual complaint. Notice that, in ratio of posts and views, this thread is quite popular in the forum. I think that means a lot of people have the problem. If only a few hundred people actually had this problem, only a few of them would bother to post. I mean, the thread has 8000+ views in 2 weeks, and you can find stuff on various other sites if you just search for “gw2 camera problems” or something like that.
The inability to mouseturn while camera panning is a big problem for me. It doesn’t seem to effect very many people, but anyone that likes to both used the mouse to turn, and pan their camera a lot should be having this issue.
The problem is that you simply can not use the mouse to turn WHILE panning your camera. Once you hit “right click” to turn, your character will immediately turn to that new direction your camera was panned toward.
To test this out go to Lion’s Arch and try to do two thing
1: keep your camera panned so it is looking straight off to the right of you at all times
2: Navigate around the bridges surrounding the mystic forge
I think youll notice that as soon as you try to turn your camera is no long panned, and you are now running a new direction.
this has to be the single most frustrating point about GW2 at this time. It is so frustrating to not have the controls working as they should. My RMB camera turn will not respond many times. the issue seems intermittent and can be seen more often when there is a lot of action on screen. It really breaks the fluidity of the combat.
this has to be the single most frustrating point about GW2 at this time. It is so frustrating to not have the controls working as they should. My RMB camera turn will not respond many times. the issue seems intermittent and can be seen more often when there is a lot of action on screen. It really breaks the fluidity of the combat.
This was the thing that broke the straw for me. I can accept, although not be happy with bad controls. When the controls stop working altogether is an entire different matter. My main is still level 20, and I log in once after each update to see how the camera and controls behave.
The sad trend sofar is that it becomes worse with each subsequent patch. One asks himself about the coding quality of the game if each patch breaks more things than it fixes.
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
I don’t know if I’m trippin, but I think they increased the camera distance by a bit, and actually increased FOV. I feel like I see more…
Make the left-click button select targets on release rather than key-press so when attempting to turn the camera random targets aren’t selected.
- This also happens with the right mouse button. It’s not even funny. I turn my character with the mouse, instead of the A&D keys, and many times I’ll accidentally select another monster, then I might have 2 new mobs on me when I was trying to survive the last monster of a mob
- If you zoom out, your character is in the middle of the screen, instead of being in the most bottom-half of the screen. So it feels like I have a camera pointed at my knees, when it should be pointing above my head. This is why a lot of times you can’t see your damage numbers even if you’re fully zoomed out. That and…
- We need vertical FOV so we can judge distances accurately, imagine opening the cupboard to grab a glass, and you keep missing the door handle, because your eyes are telling you the incorrect distance to it. Well, yeah, this happens to me a lot in game, thinking I’m 2 feet away, but in fact I’m actually about 6 or 10 feet away from the enemy/object/NPC.
See here for an example:
Please note that the player is standing in the same position the whole time, he didn’t walk backwards. In the first image, it looks like you’re really close to the lake, but if the FOV changes to something more natural like 90, you’ll see you’re actually very far away from it.
Having the FOV so low is really confusing when playing.
- Camera should stop snapping to random objects every 2 seconds, it makes me feel like I’m in a ship during a terrible storm. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, trying not to barf. This happens during regular gameplay, not just on jumping puzzles.
The camera should behave without getting in the way, I don’t care if objects clip with the camera, I just want to play without getting sick.
The original guild wars was pretty good about this.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
I’m getting some kind of face to the wall perspective now and then. Seems to be caused by collision with geography and objects. So I find my self having to looks directly down at my character via camera swing to try to avoid it. I never had this problem during the BWE weekends, not sure why I do now.
I really hope A-Net prioritizes these issues really soon. It’s very crucial to fix these, because they allow the player to feel connected to the immersive world.
This is an amazing read and I couldn’t agree more – camera is something that is really making me sad… and dizzy sometimes!
I rarely post on forums, since most of what I wanna say is already said here but this is topic that deserves attention. I understand ArenaNet works on more important issues, and are doing great job at it (oh the launches, the launches), but when they get time to resolve other issues this should be priority.
I really like the game but to be honest this camera issue is too much. I already know 2 friends that simply stopped playing because they can’t connect to the world.
I’m still trying to have fun but slowly getting tired and angry that such a kitteny implementation of camera could be released. And not just that – the issue has not even been addressed by ANet.
It really makes me think that I misjudged them as serious Blizzard competition to MMO market. GW2 as it is with WoW camera and character movement implementation could set a new standard in MMO games. Now all I see is many players leaving the game and some even don’t know why they simply can’t immerse into the world. They will not bother to figure out what’s wrong and what FOV is etc – not mentioning coming to gw2 forums to talk about it. They will just leave.
Please learn something from Blizzard – you have to nail the camera implementation with patch that is coming rather sooner than later. I can’t express how huge it is if you plan GW2 to be long-term fun rather than 1-3 months break from other games.
All the details are already explained in the topic… FOV, camera fixing point, character not turning with RMB when standing, camera acceleration, camera sometimes not moving at all with mouse button pressed and many more…
Try that:
Reset the camera so it’s in default position behind your character.
Now turn the camera with RMB let’s say 90 degrees – so you can see your character from the side.
Walk backwards.
RESULT —- > your char started to walk backwars towards the camera.
Now reset the camera again.
Turn camera like before 90 degrees with RMB.
Click with LMB on something – for example target someone – DON’T drag with LMB – just click.
Walk backwards.
RESULT —→ your char is going back but from his perspective – not camera perspective like before.
It’s really silly. Seems like the whole potential of the game might be wasted because ANet missed one of the crucial aspects of the game. Let’s hope they will wake up before it’s too late.
I just made a post on Reddit to hopefully bring a little more attention to this issue. I think a lot of people dislike the camera but really haven’t been strongly motivated to say anything about it. If we truly want Arena Net to improve upon the current camera, we need to make it clear to them that it’s something that we strong desire and the only way we can do that is by telling them (on these forums). The more people that express their displeasure with the camera the more likely that it will be improved. Please comment in and up-vote the Reddit thread so more people can potentially see it and then come here to show their support.
Thank you.
I completely agree with this whole thread. My biggest gripes right now are input lag and the camera. There have been moments where my camera has gotten stuck and my character would move away from it, almost off screen and then the camera would rubberband back to my toon. It has also been covered by obstacles and objects in the game world, preventing me from fighting correctly and efficiently. The input lag isn’t a huge issue, but it feels…sluggish. I know Arenanet is doing their best, so I’m in full support of them all the way. I love this game, I want to see it succeed beyond expectations. I hope these issues can be resolved whenever they have time to deal with it.
Thanks for reading!
Agree with first post. Even if your game runs smoothly you dont feel comfortable about using camera.
Please fix listed camera issues. Thank you.
So we finally got a great reply from Jon Peters about the mouse smoothing issue:
Guild Wars 2 has some camera smoothing built into it. It is generally more intrusive than it needs to be, but it also has a bug with it that makes it feel really bad for people with specific mouse look styles, like mine
. This bug, and reducing the amount of smoothing is being actively looked at, but must be done carefully and tested carefully as its impact will effect every single player. Thanks for your patience.
p.s. These are not the only camera issues, but are far and away the most egregious so we will address them first.
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
Great news Baxuz theyve listened! Hopefully they remove the inertia and smoothing and its just not a “make the smoothing more precise and less buggy but its still there” kind of deal
Good news ? Where ??
In our dreams … camera smoothing is coming after FOV in my opinion, but they still avoiding this expression “field of view” in any of their response. Seems like a big fat taboo, on one hand they can communicate with much transparency about security accounts for example (not all companies describe how they are attacked) and on the other hand, they can’t talk about FOV, or can’t even use the words “field of view” it seems, ever.
Maybe they don’t want the average joe to learn about what is field of view and how developpers could (really/technically) improve gaming comfort.
Some people just get sick without ever knowing the issue, if you give them the right words, they can understand what is the problem, so to avoid the problem, Arenanet acts like those words don’t even exist and therefore the problem doesn’t exist.
Typical politician communication technique …
It’s like talking to a dog … it’s happy and smiling, but doesn’t understand a bit.
(edited by Damai.1947)
+n ………… Well, you get the idea.
Aestru is so right; we are NOT a minority.
So, what, we purchased the game and have to live with this now?
Is that why this issue is still being ignored?
Many bugs in the game are annoying me; but THIS is an enormous issue that has to be fixed with a priority. There are simply no excuses for this. Period.
I get constant headaches, eye aches, a weird sense of dizziness, keep losing my sense of direction etc etc….. seemingly for no reason, and within a short period of time. What’s more, I began to feel like I was the clumsiest person on earth… lol
I enjoy and love this game. I can live with those numerous bugs at the moment because I know they have been acknowledged and will be fixed eventually. But THIS hasn’t even been acknowledged as a priority issue yet.
Keep this thread alive, people.
Wait… You “have played WoW for long, long years” and you are saying “the camera functionality, behaviour etc are the same in both games” ?
I’m… speechless.
Lately I’ve been developing severe headaches and nausea, to the point that I was sick to my stomach earlier today.
Finally put it together and realized that, no, I don’t have the flu, it’s the camera in the game and it happens if I play for a bit over an hour at a time. Wow. Seriously?
I love this game, I really do.. And I’m normally really laid back and patient. But between bugs breaking things where ever I go, more and more each day, and worse with each patch.. and now the camera making me -physically ill-, I’m getting really fed up.
I played GW1 for seven years and was pretty hyped up for this game, I expected an improved experience over the original that came out in 2005. GW2 is certainly prettier, and it has some great concepts, but with all its issues, I can play the original instead and have a better time.
And, you know, not vomit.
Here’s a comparison video with a FOV hacked to 100°. Watch it in full screen only.
Guild Wars 2 field of view fix pledge demonstration
Notice that the 100° is on the higher end of the spectrum, since the usual PC FOV is around 90°.
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
(edited by Baxuz.1943)
Angle of FoV is a question of habit, and 100° still look small for me.
We need a slider that goes at least until 120° of horizontal field of view.
If it is cutomizable, there is no “usual” PC FOV. Think that some people prefer to use 4:3 screens, on which the same fov will give another feeling.
The wideness of nowadays screens is decreasing the vertical angle and giving the impression to have correct FoV, but that just an impression.
Standards is a four-letter-word
Many people wouldn’t buy Guild Wars 2 because they’ve played other PC games and feel terrible nausea. So they think “That looks like a fun game, I hear a lot of good things about it, but I can’t play PC games since I get sick, so there’s no point wasting my 60 dollars on it”
Now, this is because they don’t understand what causes the problem. And they don’t know that many PC games have a slider that can make it so he or she won’t feel sick.
Once they learn that adjusting the FoV in a PC game will prevent their sickness, and that a lot of PC games nowadays already let you change it, they’ll be very happy and buy all those games they’ve wanted to try!
But Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have a FoV slider, so they won’t be buying your game :-)
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
I have to sadly say, that in the current state of the game, I find WoW a lot more enjoyable, and am indefinetly postponing playing GW2.
The game runs at 20 fps when it matters, while I can run Borderlands 2 at 60 FPS, the camera and controls are horrid, and not to mention the invisible monsters and players.
Everything else can be as good as you want, but until the game runs properly, it’s all just words on paper.
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
I’m finding myself playing less and less as well.
It’s a bit like being in an amazing place that’s full of beautiful things but there’s one problem… someone took a huge dump and hid it in the middle of the place…
so you can’t focus on anything because that smell is just driving you nuts…
It’s like you very hungry and you get this tasty meal but there’s also huge poo right in front of you… You’d like to eat… but…
Sadly – instead of the topic being sticky for weeks now… with a lot of confirmations that issues are being addressed and update is coming up soon… we have patches that resolve events issues etc…
it’s like someone instead of clearing the dump from the table would use some perfume to fool you that it’s not really a dump – it’s some oriental flower !
@Devoulin: Analogy spot-on.
I wonder, does Anet believe we’ll continue playing no matter what, since they haven’t even acknowledged the issue yet?
I sure as hell won’t. And I also know I won’t be the only one.
Oh wait… This isn’t a subscription-based game.
Have been neglecting my vegetables.
Bye bye to my shinies, I guess.
We got another red post in another thread, from Eva:
Hi everyone.
So far, we have received a great deal of feedback from the community regarding the camera issue and we are working on it. I will forward the concerns to the team again and proceed to close this thread as this is a petition thread rather than a general GW2 discussion.
Thanks for your concerns.
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
GW2 is an absolutely gorgeous game with a completely HORRIBLE camera. seriously, there is no excuse for going live with such a terrible camera system in place.
example: Arah, the flying ship scenario. the camera passes outside the ship blocking all view of what’s going on with your character, and instead is showing you the hull of the ship. you CAN NOT see your character at all. you have to spend 75% of the time fighting the camera just to play the game. which begs the question: was this even tested in beta?
Guild Wars 2’s camera is frustrating. As was mentioned in the original post, the camera lags when you turn with a keyboard. This makes movement feel sluggish. Though I generally try to turn with a mouse, there are many situations where you need to turn with the keyboard.
However, what makes the camera dizzying is the fact that every time your character hits a wall, a doodad (object), or a tight space, the camera zooms in and out. I noticed that even when your character hops over a small fence, the camera slightly zooms in and zooms out rapidly. Same thing with tight spaces — like climbing a spiral staircase — the camera zooms in and then wobbles to find its proper distance from the character. This whole issue could probably be solved if you allow the player to lock the camera distance.
Another issue I have is that when you are in a tight space with a narrow path (staircase inside a house), the camera zooms into the small of your character’s back (if you are human), blocking a good portion of your vision. I would suggest making your character translucent or transparent if you need to force the camera to zoom in.
I’m really glad the good folks at Guildcast touched on this subject in their previous video: LINK HERE
Camera collision and the non-adjustable, constricted field of view, has been an issue for many players ever since the greater public first got to play Guild Wars 2 in the BWE’s.
Now, a solution to the constricted FoV has appeared in the form of a 3rd party program, only to be snuffed by ArenaNet’s blanket policy of banning players using programs like these … even if it’s just to improve the quality of their play-time.
It has been mentioned by Gaile Gray that ArenaNet might be reviewing their policy in terms of certain programs – the kind that doesn’t involve blatant cheating, like speed-hacks and the likes. While I commend the work of those creating a out-of-game FoV fixer, it doesn’t unfortunately help that the first person who created a tool like this, also created the speed-hack – and it used to be one program (I believe a separate FoV fixer is available now).
I sincerely hope ArenaNet will give us some feedback soon – perhaps they could even implement adjustable FoV in GW2’s options menu, thereby eliminating the need for 3rd party programs. I really don’t know why they haven’t considered this yet … or if they did, at least be open about it to their fan-base. This is not exactly a minor issue.
(edited by Makovorn.1706)
GW2 is an absolutely gorgeous game with a completely HORRIBLE camera. seriously, there is no excuse for going live with such a terrible camera system in place.
example: Arah, the flying ship scenario. the camera passes outside the ship blocking all view of what’s going on with your character, and instead is showing you the hull of the ship. you CAN NOT see your character at all. you have to spend 75% of the time fighting the camera just to play the game. which begs the question: was this even tested in beta?
lol, no. No it wasn’t tested in beta.
Beta only tested the 1-15 zones, 15-25 zones, and Gendarran Fields. Ascalon Catacombs were also available to those who leveled to 30.
No other zones, dungeons, skill points, events, hearts, etc. were tested by beta players. An internal team under NDA did that testing.
Still waiting for a FoV slider Arenanet …
/Bump…just they know we are STILL annoyed by their camera mechanics.
And make this sticky allready !
A very impressive, in-depth, informational post.
It’s not often that I leave forums learning quite a lot.
Thanks a lot for this post. I agree with every single point you made.
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson
Moderator, why this thread isn’t a sticky ?
I’d say it should be first in priority, well above gem store or servers connectivity problems.
It’s nice to get bugs fixed, but this camera isn’t only bugged, it is ill-designed.
We need official explanation on why Arenanet tries to threatened gamers health.
So, I started playing an asura today. I’ve longed to delve into that race, but I have to say that the camera collision problems are really spoiling the experience for me at the moment. For some reason, the asura seems more affected … just doing simple stuff, like jumping on steps seem challenging camera-wise.
We seem to have 2 very good threads going on the various camera issues, so I thought it might be a good idea to post this short 30 sec video I’ve made here as well – it illustrates the problems I’m currently having with the camera, and specifically playing the asura:
(edited by Makovorn.1706)
I really don’t understand how they think the camera is not a priority.. This has been addressed since BWE1 and we still haven’t seen any improvements at all.
Just thought I would check this to see if any news has come out. Still waiting on a status update for this. So what do you guys think? is this something that’s going to be addressed soon, months, or we may never get be able to disable the smoothing at all?
So there has been at least one answer to the Camera related problems:
But has there been more? And are they only working on the Camera smoothing?
Guild Wars 2 has some camera smoothing built into it. It is generally more intrusive than it needs to be, but it also has a bug with it that makes it feel really bad for people with specific mouse look styles, like mine
. This bug, and reducing the amount of smoothing is being actively looked at, but must be done carefully and tested carefully as its impact will effect every single player. Thanks for your patience.
p.s. These are not the only camera issues, but are far and away the most egregious so we will address them first.
“it also has a bug with it that makes it feel really bad for people with specific mouse look styles, like mine”
What does he mean by that? It doesn’t sound like a smoothing problem to me.
If they are working on any more camera related problems (like FOV, for the love of all that is holy!) my guess is it’s highly unlikely we’ll hear about it before that patch would be released.
The devs are great at giving feedback but it seems (judging by Jons post and how he expresses himself) that it’s messy and quite time consuming work to fix all these issues and make them viable to all us players individual preferences. If they haven’t told us anything they haven’t promised anything so they can keep working in peace or let stuff go that looks to be too messy to pursue.
Let’s just hope Jon and his buddies can work this out as it seems we have at least one dev “feeling our pain”. =)
Just thought I’d add that while the camera doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it does for other people (I suppose I’m sort of used to the camera getting ‘pushed’ by walls in games) it is quite bothersome indeed… The thing that bugged me most is that the camera isn’t just affected by the ground or walls but also by small objects in the scenery… that drives me absolutely crazy. :/ While I can deal with it just fine most of the time, and have never felt ill or gotten headaches from it, it is still quite irritating. I don’t believe a simple post on a fence should affect the camera. Even if they didn’t make the geometry go transparent when it is between the character and camera, that would be far better than how it is now going in and out constantly. Even older games I have played in the past have not had this issue.
Funny thing is I played a norn during beta and don’t remember having quite as much an issue with it then… same with the FOV (which seems fine to me in all honesty). Now that I’m playing a sylvari that might be different than it is for people playing larger characters. I have to admit watching back some of the game footage people have taken playing charr characters, I felt like the character took up too much of the screen. So I can see how it’d be difficult to tell what you’re doing when most of what you see is the back of your toon…
And like others have mentioned the camera in GW1 was fine the way it was. Sure you could turn the camera and see ‘inside’ some of the geometry models but that was a hell of a lot better than it zooming in and out so that wouldn’t happen like it does in GW2. I don’t care if the game doesn’t look pretty from all angles constantly, I’d rather be able to see exactly what it is I’m doing. :/
But this is just more of the same that most people here have been saying. I just took to heart what was said about not enough people voicing their concerns with this issue. So please add me to that list hoping for a camera update at some point… at least for the points that REALLY ruin the experience. Oh those cramped spiral staircases in the human pubs/inns… Much less the cramped jump puzzles (like the well in the Eternal Battlegrounds puzzle… good God). This game has better platforming than some platformers I’ve tried and I love it, but this camera is horrible.
So, I started playing an asura today. I’ve longed to delve into that race, but I have to say that the camera collision problems are really spoiling the experience for me at the moment. For some reason, the asura seems more affected … just doing simple stuff, like jumping on steps seem challenging camera-wise.
We seem to have 2 very good threads going on the various camera issues, so I thought it might be a good idea to post this short 30 sec video I’ve made here as well – it illustrates the problems I’m currently having with the camera, and specifically playing the asura:
:D Thank you, that video made my day
No longer blowing up stuff up on Gandara [CM] :(
This is likely my #1 gripe with this game. In a game that prides itself on incorporating vistas and jumping puzzles into the actual mechanics of the game, they hamstring many players by having sub-par camera controls. I’m not a fussy person by nature, but when I find myself looking back nostalgically at the camera controls from “Dark Age of Camelot” over a decade ago…yeah, there’s something not quite right there.
The “zoom-bounce” is horrible, and the hanging and clipping when trying to navigate through confined spaces (particularly through some of the jumping-intensive areas, and especially those that require not only a clear line-of-sight but timing as well) needs to be a high-priority fix.
It’s enough of an issue that it has made me consider stepping away from the game on more than one occasion until it’s addressed. That may be an empty threat since you already have my money, but I have proven to be an income resource, since I have (and would be likely to continue to) make real-world investments in your product (i.e., gems) IF I am a satisfied player. That revenue stream can just as easily dry-up if enough people find this rather rudimentary function to be substantially lacking.
The worst part is when i try to look up and always have my back in the middle of the screen ruining it and preventing me from enjoying the amazing artwork, landscapes.
Also, the camera zooming in whenever an obstacle (like a tree of something) is in between is freaking irritating, can’t even find words to say how much i hate it.
Jumping puzzles are a constant fight against the camera.
Anet .. You guys created and amazing world so please make it possible for us to see it.
First thing you should do is : FIRST PERSON VIEW
Just have a look at these screenshots.. can’t really enjoy anything currently :
EDIT : 24" LCD screen 1920×1080 resolution
EDIT 2 : – LOL
(edited by Hughs.6549)
•Fixed a camera bug which occasionally caused the camera to get too close to the player’s backside.
UNFIX THIS PLEASE!! You have any idea how difficult your “fix” makes my Northern LA jump puzzle? Full sized norn here and your Seizure Cam Fix is making things worse than they already are for a big guy like me.