Can not purchase anything from the Gem Store

Can not purchase anything from the Gem Store

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hedgey.7859


I bought 20 dollars worth of gems to get 10 keys to open my Black Lion chests, I went to go use them and whenever I browse over the button to spend my gems, it says: “This feature is currently disabeled. Please try again later.” Where do I find announcements that things like this will be down? I would have saved my gem purchase for later had I know this.

Can not purchase anything from the Gem Store

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: litabonita.4652


Thanks God someone made a topic about this! I was about to go nuts thinking that something was wrong with my account! Im also experiencing the same issue. For a second i thought it was maintenance of some sort cause yesterday i was able to partially use my gems… but there is no official thread regarding this. Can someone care to explain whats going on??

Can not purchase anything from the Gem Store

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Airiyuki.1570


I’m having the same problem. It keep saying that it’s disable and try again later.

Can not purchase anything from the Gem Store

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dildee.2139


I had the exact same problem, purchased gems and could not buy any items from the gem store. Kept saying “feature currently disabled”. Tried emptying mailboxes, even on my other characters. It’s working for me now though.

Can not purchase anything from the Gem Store

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Plok.5873


In the sub-window for selling items some elements seem displaced, I click into the control for silver coins and the gold coin value get changed.

Pry Bar in yo’ face, You big disgrace / Box of Nails all over the place
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.