Can't AoE loot

Can't AoE loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


I have the option selected in the menu, but when I’m on top of a horde of sparkle bodies, I still need to spam the F button like mad. Is it bugged, or did I miss something?

Can't AoE loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alenas.8461


broke for me on the patch after the one where they added it

Can't AoE loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nretep.2564


the AoE loot is only possible if there’s no other [F] option (like loot, revive, talk or so).
Basically you have to stand close to loot-able corpses, but far enough to not “directly” loot them, just press F.

Another option would be to bind a key to aoe loot.

Can't AoE loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grax.9204


This is soooooo bad. Why not just let F be used as aoe loot when normal looting is what pressing f would do?

Asura Mesmer – Gragx – Kodash
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Can't AoE loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyana Evrilow.8102

Lyana Evrilow.8102

Because F is used for ALL interactions. Loot happens to be one of the interactions that is priority, which means aoe loot is below that, so single loot comes into play first. Single loot became the priority a long while back to prevent people accidentally rezzing, and losing their loot or talking to some obnoxious npc when you’ve loot on the ground.

Just bind autoloot to shift+f or something, and when you’re on a ton of bodies, just press the extra key to autoloot, and guarantee it’ll work like you want. Otherwise, you’ll single loot ‘til it’s done.

Can't AoE loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


Your choice is to either spam F with AOE loot option on which I was doing before anyway, but now I know I don’t miss anything. Or you can bind the new AOE loot keybind and all it does it AOE loot and nothing else.