Can't Sell Recipe: Light of Dwayna on TP

Can't Sell Recipe: Light of Dwayna on TP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AppleJack.5473


I bought a bunch of Giant Wintersday Gifts with glory at the start of the Wintersday event and ended up with two spare Recipes for the Light of Dwayna. I’ve only just noticed that the recipe is able to be sold for quite a hefty amount on the trading post, unfortunately the only option the game gives me is to destroy the item as i’ve already used it.
BTW, i’m running on the Mac Beta client and have updated to the most recent patch.


Can't Sell Recipe: Light of Dwayna on TP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Try leaving the PvP area. You may have better luck selling.

Can't Sell Recipe: Light of Dwayna on TP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starfleck.8392


I am confirming this is a problem with the regular wintersday gifts which you did not get from the Glory vendor, also. The first day of wintersday, I opened about 1,000 Giant gifts I had saved from last year (hoping to either sell for profit, or that they’d update them with more things that could drop) and I happened to get a Light of Dwayna recipe, which I didn’t want.

I got excited, because I knew it was a rare drop, but then discovered it was account bound unlike Grenth’s version. So I held on to it and later saw the bugfix patch note where it was bound unintentionally, and I had planned to sell it once it appeared on the TP.

Now that it’s on the TP, and even though my recipe no longer says account bound, I still don’t have the option to sell. What happened, are there two versions of the recipe now?

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Can't Sell Recipe: Light of Dwayna on TP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

There are indeed two versions of the recipe now. Those that dropped since the patch can be sold without work-around. However, those that dropped before are still bound.

Supposedly, a work-around is to move the recipe to your bank and then move it to a character other than the one that opened it. This didn’t work for mine (so I just had my tailor learn the recipe), but many other people have reported success with this method.

Another possibility is to acquire a second one, confirm that it can be sold on the TP and then stack the non-sellable one with the new one. I wasn’t able to test this myself, but has worked in the past for other items that were re-tagged from do not sell to ok to sell. (I forgot about this second work-around until the day after I used mine.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”