Can't believe this is still bugged
Erm what class n skill plzz ?
probably a thief using shadowstep and a channeled range ability likely a warrior using kill shot tracked him during the cast.
lol im drunk and answering every post lolz ,
I’ll just say I can’t stand the amount of crap that autofaces and/or hits when there are plenty of skills in the game that don’t….. mindless stuff.
I do agree with this.
The autofacing skills have got to be fixed…either autoface across the boards or take them all out. Some skills literally snipe through shadowsteps + stealth.
Dodge q’ing has been killing me a lot more recently as well…
Undercoverism [UC]
Seriously, i can’t believe this.
When a projectile/charge is launched and you teleport at 1200 range behind the opponent who launched /charget it , turning by 180 degrees, THEY DO A BACKFLIP AND FOLLOW YOU , THIS IS AGAINST PHYSICS LAW.
And fix godkitten dodge queue, it’s getting really, REALLY annoying.
Been complaining about this for months. Completely infuriating. For those who play pedestrian classes it is not just channelled skills. Way too many skills auto face and on top of that I swear that bullets are literally teleporting after me.
tracking is pretty lax in this game. did you play guild wars?
Think of a channeled skill this way. All the damage is assigned as a hit when the first shot is fired. It is just delayed and that’s to your advantage. An interrupt will prevent any later damage and a dodge can evade some hits, aegis will prevent one hit. A movement skill or stealth will not prevent the hits since they were assigned when the channel started.
Channeled skills would be really bad if players could always move away from them or stealth to cancel them. The damage from channeled skills is balanced for how they work right now. They are still usually weaker than a skill that gives all the damage instantly.
moved to bug forums so the thread will slowly die.
Thanks moderators.