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Was the ability to purchase butter from the Master Chef removed intentionally or is it a bug that it doesn’t show in the menu items?
Not only that but i noticed that much of the items that were available for purchase in bulk are no longer there. i can understand why but the recipes that use these items remain in the game…is there another way to make them from raw materials?
Black Peppercorns are also missing
lots of things are missing atm actually, dont know how im suppose to level cooking with out all of this
Oranges as well ~ Of course, this was ninja and isn’t mentioned anywhere in the patch notes…
Add Walnuts to the list, Both Vendors in Snowden Drifts stopped selling them. Bit of a pain grinding across a map just to get to these vendors only to have the materials “Mysteriously Vanish” with the patch.
They removed chocolate and eggs as well, and I heard cinnamon. Not sure what they expect people to do to level this anymore.
They also stealth nerfed the dye recipes; increased the materials needed to make them.
I wish this kind of stuff was in the patch notes.
There are a lot of things missing now like, Milton Book no longer has chili peppers and Vanilla bean and Cesselia no longer has oranges, I’m sure the rest out and about have had stuff removed too. Where are the patch notes btw?
And the prices have all gone up for the karma items! NOT FAIR. I’m already spending way too much karma and cash just to level my cooking. Why are they punishing us chefs even more? Does this have something to do with all those people saying you can level to 80 with just cooking? I don’t care about that! I love cooking (or loved) and enjoyed making noms for my guildies. Now I want to quit because it’s even more expensive and hard to find.
I had 4-5 sticks of butter drop from loot bags. Not cool. If loot bags are now the only method…
I suspect it -was- intentional, due to the “easy” (not easy) leveling via cooking. However, it looked like the items they removed from vendors were no longer account bound (Walnuts were, at least)
‘I had 4-5 sticks of butter drop from loot bags. Not cool. If loot bags are now the only method…’
Me too. I consider it cool. This probably means we can buy and sell them at the TP
Also Confirmed: General Karma Vendors Sell basil, Bell Peppers and Ginger Root now PER PIECE, Not by the bag (6 for basil/bell, 9 for ginger)
I imagine this is a nerf, not a bug.
ANet seems to wait until anyone finds the “best” way to do anything, be it to level cooking, to farm events, to buy gear, to convert karma to gold, and more. They seem to see “min-maxing” as “exploiting” and have given out bans (or not given out bans), rushed patches without notice of content and continue to cause players displeasure.
My fiance was in tears after sitting down at the Master Chef and popping a Crafting Booster with all her “other” ingredients that she’d worked all day to farm, and then get a “new game version in 3 minutes” updated. She, like everyone else, logs out and patches then back in to find all the essential components to her crafting gone.
This is the kind of rediculous treatment of the playerbase that costs the game players and ruins a game’s reputation. Everyone, myself included, had such high hopes for GW2 but as ANet continues to ignore GLARING problems with the TP and other aspects of the game and focuses instead on creating a volatile and unpredictable game for its playerbase, the result will be GW2 looking more like SWTOR than the new WOW.
I’d love to see how many players continue playing GW2 after the first 30 days, but as there’s no subscription numbers it’s unlikely we’ll see the sharp drop off created from this dreadful management style.
The “easy” way was not easy though. I personally had to grind many levels and a ton of karma to even access the things like peaches off the high level zone vendors. I was working on leveling all day just to live going into the last couple of zones to buy the higher level mats. To remove all this stuff is very uncool.
To Be Honest I just want My Walnuts I’ve farmed Orrian Truffles and Coriander Seeds all day to go and find the walnut vendor is no longer there Sigh WTH
The “easy” way was not easy though. I personally had to grind many levels and a ton of karma to even access the things like peaches off the high level zone vendors. I was working on leveling all day just to live going into the last couple of zones to buy the higher level mats. To remove all this stuff is very uncool.
You’re right, it wasn’t “easy” It was a karma points sink. Now you must grind for loot bags that may or may not contain the item you’re after (or pay big bucks at the TP, as prices will no doubt skyrocket)
Same goes for Dyes, as they’re no longer reasonably easy to make.
To Be Honest I just want My Walnuts I’ve farmed Orrian Truffles and Coriander Seeds all day to go and find the walnut vendor is no longer there Sigh WTH
Wait for the TP to come back up. They’re no longer bound to you, but they will be expensive.
Eggs are dropping from Skales so I’m going to assume that it was intentional. Now we gotta farm for our crafting! Some people are going to be rich out there, not that there aren’t any already.
Very nice…thank you very much…
HAHAH i just got walnuts from a tree around where they are sold
The TP is under maintenance an awful lot for being ignored. In all seriousness, ANet is more likely to respond to constructive criticism rather than emotional reactions or hyperbole. However, I agree that the changes should have been addressed in the patch notes. The fact that they were slipped in doesn’t look good. That said, I’d rather farm the items than spend karma on them. I don’t like seeing a price increase there.
I don’t know why they changed it, but I doubt people saying you could level to 80 just by cooking was the reason. Each profession only gives a maximum of 10 levels to begin with. A little nervous to see if any other crafts have been changed.
Why did they have to nerf cooking? Couldn’t they just nerf the XP gain you get from it?
Arenanet ruined one of the most interesting aspects of the game. No big surprise there, I suppose. Instead of implementing an intelligent nerf to cooking exploiters they used a heavy-handed method that leaves many recipes difficult or impossible to craft. Further consider that cooking items only last a half hour at most, that items have actually been REMOVED from people’s accounts without notice or reimbursement, and that this has all gone completely unmentioned in the patch notes and you have a complete disaster of an update.
No, allowing crafting from the bank is a very nice feature, but it doesn’t excuse what you did to Chefs. I wouldn’t be surprised if dyes were the real reason behind this stealth update.
I just started leveling my cooking today. It was going fine and for the first time in an MMO I was actually enjoying cooking/crafting…then an hour later the patch comes and when I got back on to continue crafting, many of the essential materials were gone from the Master Chef (the tab where you spent the already precious Karma points).
I really hope this was not intentional…this leaves cooking nowhere near as enjoyable as it was prior. This “stealth nerf” should be rolled back and returned to the original state it was before when cooking was fun. I thought AN had said the sole purpose of this game was to be “fun for the players”…
(edited by Martianbob.4967)
I just got walnuts and cinnamon from a tree i cut down. I really need butter! Xd
This “stealth nerf” should be rolled back and returned to the original state it was before when cooking was fun. I thought AN had said the sole purpose of this game was to be “fun for the players”…
Seems they forgot about that statement. I don’t find anything fun about having to mob grind some of the most commonly used ingredients. I already have to hope I luck out on getting the node based ones I need. Cooking was fun.. likely won’t be bothering with it much after all of this garbage was stealthed in on us with no warning.
Yea what is this, all these loot bags i got from drops could have given me linen but instead I got butter…
i asked about chocolate.. i found it in a bag that a mob dropped.
(edited by Moderator)
i think it may need tweaking but its a good change i got fed up with having to buy everything to level my cooking
Hope they are going to fix this “bug” soon. Otherwise others that had already leveld cooking to 400 will have a huge advantage. That is really unfair. If I had known this I would have bought tons of stuff and leveled cooking. Now I have to run around the map and farm everything?
I can agree with higher karma cost and making the bulks more expensive. Always seemd too cheap to me. Still easier if you have lots of karma from events and don’t want to buy that 42k karma armor stuff.
Either bring the stuff back to vendors or set everyones cooking crafting level back to 0. Because I don’t like the others having that much advantage. And since the other then will cry… only option: The vendors should sell that stuff again. Waiting a few days and then starting to make ingame ticket and ticket at support website every day and reporting it as bug if not fixed by then. They should think earlier.
Maybe a proper closed beta and open beta would have helped. Then the game would not feel like it was alpha now. Most buggy MMORPG I have played in a long time with all these bugs. And other MMORPGs had longer betas not only weekends = less bugs.
Edit: And if it is only about leveling your character level too fast with doing cooking(character level not the crafting level) then I have a simple solution: Just give NO xp for crafting to character level. Leveling pretty good with high level events. Always running events at the meta events – that chain events. This is enough. Already leveling fast enough.
i asked about chocolate.. i found it in a bag that a mob dropped.
And that chocolate are still per bulk then with a 25 bulk per drop? And drop pretty often? Or do I have to kill 10 mobs to only get 1 single chocolate item. The it would really be a reason to just stop playing the game and ask everyone that has not already bought it to wait until they ended open beta and fixed major bugs and buy it the next year.
(edited by Luthan.5236)
Just decided to try cooking and I’ve ran to every city hunting down every merchant trying to find black peppercorn and so I guess that was a waste of time. Being in loot bags (if that’s the case) puts it in hands of luck, which would explain why in an hour of farming for bags I’ve found no ingredients outside of a single jug of water.
It may be intentional, but it’s effectively a bug.
I agree its bothersome. Crafting for basic consumables should NOT be grindy. All materials shoould be available for purchase until you level considerably.
Also…why are gathering spots so scarce? I had to travel across 1 whole map just to get like, 5 carrots. That is absurd, even Aion had better gathering locations! AION!
Also why in the world are my consumables soul bound? Why can’t I trade them with my other characters? What sense does it make to limit 50 basic cons like loaf of bread just to 1 character?
I just hate crafting the way it is now
Hope they are going to fix this “bug” soon. Otherwise others that had already leveld cooking to 400 will have a huge advantage. That is really unfair. If I had known this I would have bought tons of stuff and leveled cooking. Now I have to run around the map and farm everything?
I can agree with higher karma cost and making the bulks more expensive. Always seemd too cheap to me. Still easier if you have lots of karma from events and don’t want to buy that 42k karma armor stuff.
Either bring the stuff back to vendors or set everyones cooking crafting level back to 0. Because I don’t like the others having that much advantage. And since the other then will cry… only option: The vendors should sell that stuff again. Waiting a few days and then starting to make ingame ticket and ticket at support website every day and reporting it as bug if not fixed by then. They should think earlier.
Maybe a proper closed beta and open beta would have helped. Then the game would not feel like it was alpha now. Most buggy MMORPG I have played in a long time with all these bugs. And other MMORPGs had longer betas not only weekends = less bugs.
i do not mind if they even double the karma for items. karma is not too hard to get if you really want to lvl cooking.. but now i have to run out to find most of my mats.
the cost of the non karma items.. that was the problem for me. i never had tons of money. i could only lvl cooking if i had the silver to get the rest of the items i needed.
( i have yet to get my skill books)
there are certain loactions that have loadsa of nodes in one spot, you just have to find them.. ive found bunches of cabbages and bunches of strawberrys and other stuff like carrots and onions.. they are out there in bulk you just gotta look
i asked about chocolate.. i found it in a bag that a mob dropped.
And that chocolate are still per bulk then with a 25 bulk per drop? And drop pretty often? Or do I have to kill 10 mobs to only get 1 single chocolate item. The it would really be a reason to just stop playing the game and ask everyone that has not already bought it to wait until they ended open beta and fixed major bugs and buy it the next year.
I only got 2 chocolate out of my bag. 7 butter out of 3 bags.
Really? Maybe they should just make it the same with the stuff like spool of xxx thread for other crafting professions. Surely will be fun for the others. I think it was enough to have some of the stuff to be gathered. Dropping is okay for the leather and wool stuff in bags. But not the cooking stuff. Was fine as it was. Only the karma prices a bit too low.
Really not worth it now. Not that inresting recipes.
Once the TP is back up, butter will likely flood it and quickly drop in price. I’ve still yet to find peppercorn though, haven’t had it drop from any bags (and I’ve opened many).
I want to buy them for karma. Other before me bought that stuff for karma and leveled their cooking with this. Not at a trading post and wasted their gold, silver and copper.
It would be a good idea if wiki/database was updated with gathering spots. Like in Aion. There at least you can look up on the map for a specifict material you needed so i didn’t have to run across a map randomly in search for more ingredients.
And anet, please make more of those gathering locations. Or make them drop more. 1-3 per scarce source is NOT enough..
Since they changed alot of things in cooking i’m pretty sure it’s a bug with this build and some items didin’t make it to this version.
Can’t believe it otherwise without an announcement because this is major issue.
This is all very sad considering all the money you had to put into buying ingredients that you can’t gather, cooking is more of a gold sink then profit, I don’t understand how they could nerf it even further v_v
The easy solution: Maybe sell some stuff for money instead of karma at the Master Chef? They want to make money and more people to buy gems. As long as it is not too expensive it is still okay for people to buy it. Others have that spools of gossamer for example which is getting expensive at higher level and we could just buy with karma and buy some 80 copper stacks of 10 from basic stuff. Maye add more there of the others instead of drops and make them sell for money.
Could this be a possibel solution? Killing mobs certainly not.
There are so many more pressing concerns that needed fixing, and this is where they put their priority?
Anet probably looked at lower than expected sales of Dyes from the gem store and decided this was the way to fix that.
Since they changed alot of things in cooking i’m pretty sure it’s a bug with this build and some items didin’t make it to this version.
Can’t believe it otherwise without an announcement because this is major issue.
i would think that too.. but the items they took out from the vender is dropping out in the world off trees and from bags ( from humanoid mobs)
This update has really upset me.
I love crafting in games. It’s one of my favorite things.
I loved the cooking.
I loved getting to buy materials with karma rather than having to spend my hard earned coin on mats.
Karma is easily farmed by doing higher level events.
The events in the 15-25 area give me around 115 karma a pop.
Now i have to spend more karma and more coin to craft which is completely ridiculous.
It’s also not fair AT ALL for the tailors and leatherworkers who used the supply bags that mobs dropped to hopefully get jute scraps or leather to craft with.
Now we get butter and chocolate?
Then we also don’t get an update on what’s actually happening to the game.
I know this game just launched and a lot of things may happen in the future, but letting the community know what’s happening in game would be the first thing you should do. Right?
I personally think this update is awful.
If people were powerleveling through cooking, then nerf the exp gained.
Taking out cooking items and putting them in supply bags made it harder for other crafters as well.
(edited by Pony.3256)
Thank you arena net, for making cooking absolutely worthless now. I have 250 in cooking and now it is time to drop it. In fact, this screwed over the huntsmen and tailors as well, because our cooking ingredients now clog their bags.
And we all know how you guys love to give people items they don’t need/use.
Chocolate is used in at least 8 crafting items.
Butter in 20
Egg in 16
… yay, I get to grind out mobs for 2 hours in hopes I can get enough chocolate bars in order to make A LIMITED 30 MINUTE CONSUMABLE ITEM to give to me and my guildies when we run an instance THAT LASTS 1-2 HOURS AT LEAST.
Thank you for taking a massive chunk of enjoyment out of this game.
Thank you arena net, for making cooking absolutely worthless now. I have 250 in cooking and now it is time to drop it. In fact, this screwed over the huntsmen and tailors as well, because our cooking ingredients now clog their bags.
And we all know how you guys love to give people items they don’t need/use.
Chocolate is used in at least 8 crafting items.
Butter in 20
Egg in 16
… yay, I get to grind out mobs for 2 hours in hopes I can get enough chocolate bars in order to make A LIMITED 30 MINUTE CONSUMABLE ITEM to give to me and my guildies when we run an instance THAT LASTS 1-2 HOURS AT LEAST.
Thank you for taking a massive chunk of enjoyment out of this game.
I completely 100% agree with you.
This update is ridiculous!!
Crafting is a HUGE part in this game for me and they just killed it.
I honestly can’t even begin to understand why they did this and I’m getting really annoyed with this game.
I enjoyed making food with those cool buffs but now it’s such an annoying hassle.
I find no joy in the crafting of this game and for me, that is a major game killer.
Yeah, this update sucked, it also made the other professions materials rarer, since now we keep getting cooking stuff from looting bags, i don’t know why anet did it but it makes no sense.
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