Can't buy butter from vendor anymore...?
I really hope this thread is noticed and something is done.
This update is seriously killing the fun for me.
I’m sorry but the amount of time that is spent trying to level up just to get to those areas to get those materials was hard enough. Now we have to get them from drops. Hooray more grinding. One of the bad points in MMORPGs just got added in this update.
Thank You ArenaNet
I’m sorry but the amount of time that is spent trying to level up just to get to those areas to get those materials was hard enough. Now we have to get them from drops. Hooray more grinding. One of the bad points in MMORPGs just got added in this update.
Thank You ArenaNet
Agreed. I’m seriously getting tired of the game getting massive changes or nerfs to things that are fun. I was upset enough that the bread I made on another character was no longer transferable to my main a few days ago. Is the answer really to make people grind even more when there had to have only been a few things that ANet wanted done differently? Why not just get rid of dye recipes altogether if that is what caused people to be unable to even start crafting without massive amounts of farming.
Oh yeah, and I was doing leatherworking too. Thanks for making that harder in the process. This game seems to be dedicated to ruining the few days a week I have off to even play it.
You said " we dont want our players to grind in our game" – in Manifesto trailer.
If you were afraid that ppl were exploiting crafting for easy exp gain, think again.
1) You can buy exp boost from gem store, so what was the point?
2) Instead of making it grindy and expect us to kill mobs over and over again in order to obtain basic crafting materials, you could have just nerfed the experience gain from crafting.
Please reverse it. I enjoyed crafting, and I HATED crafting in most mmos! Now you made it just as grindy and annoying.
Also, what is the point in making basic consumables like loaf of bread soulbound?
Considering that you made crafting harder now, why would it be a crime to sell them on the Auction House?
Also I wanted to trade them between my characters. I don’t want to level cooking on every character in order to get some sweet buffs.
Where are our promises about a non-grindy game?
You said " we dont want our players to grind in our game" – in Manifesto trailer.
If you were afraid that ppl were exploiting crafting for easy exp gain, think again.
1) You can buy exp boost from gem store, so what was the point?
2) Instead of making it grindy and expect us to kill mobs over and over again in order to obtain basic crafting materials, you could have just nerfed the experience gain from crafting.
Please reverse it. I enjoyed crafting, and I HATED crafting in most mmos! Now you made it just as grindy and annoying.
Also, what is the point in making basic consumables like loaf of bread soulbound?
Considering that you made crafting harder now, why would it be a crime to sell them on the Auction House?Also I wanted to trade them between my characters. I don’t want to level cooking on every character in order to get some sweet buffs.
Where are our promises about a non-grindy game?
Again, I agree.
They were saying people were leveling too fast and yet they have those buffs to level faster.
This game is becoming just like every other grind fest game out there and it hasn’t even been out that long at all.
What’s with all these absurd changes? It was fun and great the way it was.
It wasn’t easy-mode.
We still had to farm items and do heart quests to buy the bundled items.
We still had to be on to participate in events to get loads of Karma.
Now you make it harder?
Makes no sense!
So, another MMO with a poorly implemented crafting system. Oh well, least I can sell all my stored mats now and not have to buy gems to expand my bank slots
Guardian, Ranger, Warrior.
Either this is a terrible bug, and it should be fixed soon…
Or it was a slimy change that was slipped in without any notice whatsoever, and it should be reverted.
Either way, it needs to change.
Also Confirmed: General Karma Vendors Sell basil, Bell Peppers and Ginger Root now PER PIECE, Not by the bag (6 for basil/bell, 9 for ginger)
You can still get ginger root and bell in bulk from the master chef.
Either this is a terrible bug, and it should be fixed soon…
Or it was a slimy change that was slipped in without any notice whatsoever, and it should be reverted.
Either way, it needs to change.
Was done on the quiet I bet because of the outcry it would cause. And people who would of stock piled so they could sell them later. I used up all my choc bars & butter last night as didn’t know this was going to happen.
about the grind: leveling 2 regular profession is way impossible without grinding, but leveling 1 hard profession and cooking is doable with just spending some time after a killing session, lets say a zone, to build stuff for the next day.
This way of playing is balanced but playing a zone then doing 200 mobs 10 times to have all the components is no fun.
I also have eggs and oranges I could sell but can’t as they are stupidly soulbound.
I also have eggs and oranges I could sell but can’t as they are stupidly soulbound.
What is soulbound exactly? Items you got via vendor or mobs?
In a series of questionable updates recently, this one is by far the worst. I simply cannot understand how ANet is so out of touch with its playerbase not to see how this would simply upset people. EVEN MORE SO when it is done without any communication to the players.
I don’t know why they changed it, but I doubt people saying you could level to 80 just by cooking was the reason. Each crafting job only gives a maximum of 10 levels to begin with. A little nervous to see if any other crafts have been changed.
You already answered that. By switching crafting duties you can max out ur lvl to 80 quickly. Yes only 2 can be active but you can gain exp from each of the jobs by switch them once you were done with one. Cooking was the easiest to get items (thus fastest to gain exp) cause u could just buy most of them. Was never meant to be fast gaining exp frpm crafting. So they removed a ton of the cooking items from sale. This isn’t a bug. This was them balancing the cooking job to match the other crafting jobs. It is just something they over looked during the betas and head starts. Now it is fixed.
(edited by barbour.3062)
Agree, this is rediculous. It was fine the way it was… guess crafting is off my list of things to have fun doing now… I’m sure all the gold farmers and power levelers got all they needed from it though… seems regular players got the shaft on this one: as usual
I don’t know why they changed it, but I doubt people saying you could level to 80 just by cooking was the reason. Each crafting job only gives a maximum of 10 levels to begin with. A little nervous to see if any other crafts have been changed.
You already answered that. By switching crafting duties you can max out ur lvl to 80 quickly. Yes only 2 can be active but you can gain exp from each of the jobs by switch them once you were done with one. Cooking was the easiest to get items (thus fastest to gain exp) cause u could just buy most of them. Was never meant to be fast gaining exp frpm crafting. So they removed a ton of the cooking items from sale. This isn’t a bug. This was them balancing the cooking job to match the other crafting jobs. It is just something they over looked during the betas and head starts. Now it is fixed.
Actually I recall a while back them saying you could LEVEL TO 80 BY CRAFTING. It was intended to be possible if you had all the mats and maxed every crafting skill. They made a big deal of it before launch. They seem to be upset by people being able to do the things they said they could.
This was them balancing the cooking job to match the other crafting jobs.
Or more appropriately, their failure to properly balance cooking – but once again, it’s the players’ experience that is ruined by their failures. Given the significance in scope of repeated changes lately, it’s obvious GW2 was not ready for launch and these constant unannounced “fixes” to their game simply create a playerbase filled with dashed hopes and ruined experiences.
I’m not the only person who had to forgive ANet for other mistakes lately and now sees this as the last straw from a company that should know better. Shame!
I say spam the bug report to voice your disatisfaction with this nerf!
I think this fix makes a ton of sense. Previously cooking took about 1 hour, 1gold, and 1 thousand karma to level from 1-400. Considering they said over and over again that cooking was supposed to be the hardest, most time consuming, and most expensive profession something was REALLY not working as intended. Instead, it was by far the easiest of all the professions that a trip to a handful of vendors would give you 100% of the time.
This thread is so full of overreaction it makes my head hurt. Yeah, it sucks we can easy-mode our way to 400, and some of these items may be returned to the vendor if it is deemed too grindy, but calling the game swtor and being in tears because you can’t make a few digital cookies in 5 seconds? Take a step back from the keyboard, take a deep breath, and say to yourself, “life will go on.”
I think this fix makes a ton of sense. Previously cooking took about 1 hour, 1gold, and 1 thousand karma to level from 1-400. Considering they said over and over again that cooking was supposed to be the hardest, most time consuming, and most expensive profession something was REALLY not working as intended. Instead, it was by far the easiest of all the professions that a trip to a handful of vendors would give you 100% of the time.
This thread is so full of overreaction it makes my head hurt. Yeah, it sucks we can easy-mode our way to 400, and some of these items may be returned to the vendor if it is deemed too grindy, but calling the game swtor and being in tears because you can’t make a few digital cookies in 5 seconds? Take a step back from the keyboard, take a deep breath, and say to yourself, “life will go on.”
It’s not the fact they made it harder. It’s the fact that they force us to GRIND.
“We just don’t want our players to grind in GW2” – quote from Manifesto trailer
I think this fix makes a ton of sense. Previously cooking took about 1 hour, 1gold, and 1 thousand karma to level from 1-400. Considering they said over and over again that cooking was supposed to be the hardest, most time consuming, and most expensive profession something was REALLY not working as intended. Instead, it was by far the easiest of all the professions that a trip to a handful of vendors would give you 100% of the time.
This thread is so full of overreaction it makes my head hurt. Yeah, it sucks we can easy-mode our way to 400, and some of these items may be returned to the vendor if it is deemed too grindy, but calling the game swtor and being in tears because you can’t make a few digital cookies in 5 seconds? Take a step back from the keyboard, take a deep breath, and say to yourself, “life will go on.”
Did you even read what everyone said before posting?
What most people are annoyed about is how other crafters get screwed because of this.
The old supply bags would give totems, fangs, jute scraps, leathers, etc.
Now majority of them just give chocolate and butter.
It was already a grind for the other crafters and now it has become more annoying.
If they really wanted to nerf cooking, they could have just nerfed the exp gain.
Not take out items and switch it up without even giving players any notice.
I don’t know why you’re even trying to offend people here telling us to take a breather when you’re the odd man out. :|
Why the hell are you guys complaining? It’s because tons of people were abusing the cooking material system that it had to be overhauled so drastically. If everyone just kept to playing the game in a fair way, this never would’ve been necessary.
If anything, blame yourselves. Not the company who did it in order to prevent the rest from the game from collapsing as well.
I think this fix makes a ton of sense. Previously cooking took about 1 hour, 1gold, and 1 thousand karma to level from 1-400. "
news to me. i spent way more then that and i am just now 250. i have been working on it since launch.
AprilRain.7649 —- shame on you. you can not blame all of us.not everyone abused it.
i see it is wake up time for the trolls. many of us never abused this yet we have to suffer because of it. i am assuming that anyone telling us to get over it or take a breather has their cooking up to 400 by now and could care less.
i had to try to get as much butter as i could this morning because the price is going up. people are greedy and some people had TONS stockpiled before hand.
(edited by Jezdamayel.4132)
Thank you arena net, for making cooking absolutely worthless now. I have 250 in cooking and now it is time to drop it. In fact, this screwed over the huntsmen and tailors as well, because our cooking ingredients now clog their bags.
And we all know how you guys love to give people items they don’t need/use.
Chocolate is used in at least 8 crafting items.
Butter in 20
Egg in 16
… yay, I get to grind out mobs for 2 hours in hopes I can get enough chocolate bars in order to make A LIMITED 30 MINUTE CONSUMABLE ITEM to give to me and my guildies when we run an instance THAT LASTS 1-2 HOURS AT LEAST.
Thank you for taking a massive chunk of enjoyment out of this game.
I completely 100% agree with you.
This update is ridiculous!!
Crafting is a HUGE part in this game for me and they just killed it.
I honestly can’t even begin to understand why they did this and I’m getting really annoyed with this game.
I enjoyed making food with those cool buffs but now it’s such an annoying hassle.
I find no joy in the crafting of this game and for me, that is a major game killer.
You couldn’t have said it better. The shear amount of recipes that these essential base ingredients are in is far beyond anything that should require a drop from a mob. They should have taken a different approach to “nerfing” cooking and by all means should have informed us about it.
Why the hell are you guys complaining? It’s because tons of people were abusing the cooking material system that it had to be overhauled so drastically. If everyone just kept to playing the game in a fair way, this never would’ve been necessary.
If anything, blame yourselves. Not the company who did it in order to prevent the rest from the game from collapsing as well.
How is it our fault and how is it abusing?
They sold items that granted you 50% crafting exp.
You could level any craft super fast.
So tell me again how it’s our fault that Arena Net sells items that make us level faster and then punishes us for using them.
Why the hell are you guys complaining? It’s because tons of people were abusing the cooking material system that it had to be overhauled so drastically. If everyone just kept to playing the game in a fair way, this never would’ve been necessary.
If anything, blame yourselves. Not the company who did it in order to prevent the rest from the game from collapsing as well.
How is it our fault and how is it abusing?
They sold items that granted you 50% crafting exp.
You could level any craft super fast.
So tell me again how it’s our fault that Arena Net sells items that make us level faster and then punishes us for using them.
oh yes!! they sold crafting EXP boosts! i forgot about that. I see nothing wrong with people spending money to get their craft faster. I got one from a chest before. very nice item if you can get them.
it is a shame if that might have been seen as abusing seeing it was meant to be used like that.
How is it our fault and how is it abusing?
They sold items that granted you 50% crafting exp.
You could level any craft super fast.
So tell me again how it’s our fault that Arena Net sells items that make us level faster and then punishes us for using them.
From what I gathered, people found ways to abuse cooking materials to gain more in-game gold for themselves – And that’s why they took them away from vendors.
How is it our fault and how is it abusing?
They sold items that granted you 50% crafting exp.
You could level any craft super fast.
So tell me again how it’s our fault that Arena Net sells items that make us level faster and then punishes us for using them.From what I gathered, people found ways to abuse cooking materials to gain more in-game gold for themselves – And that’s why they took them away from vendors.
people had been buying peppers or something with karma and selling it back for good amounts of money(only select items). but i was thinking they changed that.. not being able to sell them back.
there has to be more to this.
I think this fix makes a ton of sense. Previously cooking took about 1 hour, 1gold, and 1 thousand karma to level from 1-400. "
news to me. i spent way more then that and i am just now 250. i have been working on it since launch.
AprilRain.7649 —- shame on you. you can not blame all of us.not everyone abused it.
i see it is wake up time for the trolls. many of us never abused this yet we have to suffer because of it. i am assuming that anyone telling us to get over it or take a breather has their cooking up to 400 by now and could care less.
i had to try to get as much butter as i could this morning because the price is going up. people are greedy and some people had TONS stockpiled before hand.
I don’t think it’s about already being at 400, I think it’s the realisation that when we picked Chef, we were told it was an advance class, that it would be hard and expensive. It turned out to be easier than the other professions, which always confused, again because the trainer had told me it would be hard.
Now, annoying as it is, it’s in line with the other crafting professions.
It’s pretty disgusting to use butter you find in a bag on some guy you killed. That’s so unsanitary.
I don’t agree with people who said others were abusing crafting for exp gain-
You can buy exp gain from cash shop! If that is so important to you.
I don’t agree with grinding for such materials that are in so many recipes.
Example: i tried that today, grinded bandits from events and no events. Got only 15 bags. 8 butter total. See how frustrating it is? I got tons of jute scraps and other mats but none for the cooking i needed.
The thing is…the recipes people used to power level are still there… they only made chef more expensive to level. They should add all those things they made “drops” IE: butter chocolate etc. another thing to buy from the Chef master for coin rather then karma. THEN nerf certain cheap power leveling recipes. People are still going to funnel their money over the trading post for those cheap materials anyway, because no one wants to farm that crap. This is just an easy fix to a more complicated problem in my opinion and it makes being a chef unpleasant
Walnuts are dropping from the Snow Cherry Saplings in Snowden Drifts. About three per drop, med/low drop rate. Rah!! Hate this stinking change. =(
Last update notes detailing the ingredients removed from vendors:
“· The following Cooking Materials are no longer sold for Karma and are now acquired through drops, gathering nodes, or loot bags: Butter, Chocolate, Vanilla, Chili Peppers, Thyme, Black Peppercorns, Cinnamon, Bay Leaves, Walnuts, and Oranges.”
I really hope it doesn’t stay like this.
They made crafting extremely hard now and it’s basically useless now.
A lot of people used the supply bags to get crafting mats and now they get butter and chocolate non stop.
I hope someone from ArenaNet is reading all this and noticing that their players are upset with this update.
So I think at least we could report the eggs as bug? They are not mentioned there but still not buyable anymore at Master Chef.
Why couldn’t you fix the exp gains instead of how you obtain these items, now instead of bags having that chance at some item… now you get cooking crap, great way to bump up the randomaization rolls.
Nerfing how to obtain cooking items and NOT exp
Nerfing exp instead of how to buy cooking items
Great choice you failed, now fix it correctly.
Now I will never craft another dye.. unless given all the ingredients
One thing also frustrates me.
You find a berry bush for example. And you harvest….ONE berry. From a friggin bush.
Why can’t we harvest 10-20 from one? It makes no sense you pick up just 1 tiny berry from a big berry bush. Same goes for harvesting other things like onions or herbs
One thing also frustrates me.
You find a berry bush for example. And you harvest….ONE berry. From a friggin bush.
Why can’t we harvest 10-20 from one? It makes no sense you pick up just 1 tiny berry from a big berry bush. Same goes for harvesting other things like onions or herbs
Yeah that is a bit annoying.
I really am not happy with the cooking up
One thing also frustrates me.
You find a berry bush for example. And you harvest….ONE berry. From a friggin bush.
Why can’t we harvest 10-20 from one? It makes no sense you pick up just 1 tiny berry from a big berry bush. Same goes for harvesting other things like onions or herbs
Because, apparently ANET has never seen a berry bush.
One thing also frustrates me.
You find a berry bush for example. And you harvest….ONE berry. From a friggin bush.
Why can’t we harvest 10-20 from one? It makes no sense you pick up just 1 tiny berry from a big berry bush. Same goes for harvesting other things like onions or herbs
Because, apparently ANET has never seen a berry bush.
Well, to be fair, I think they’ve never seen a pie either.. because I can make a pie out of a single omnomberry :p
I hope they’ll fix the green harvesting items that are sold at certain karma vendors(currently only found them in Bloodtide Coast but did not explore everything on the world yet).
They cost 600+ karma each and only 25 uses. Sickle, pick, axe. I added them to the wiki. Tested with a lot of them didnt see better results. Only one was Cloves where I harvested 3 or 4 per use and node. But then again never tried Cloves with a normal sickle. That could just be that they always give 3 or 4 and that it had not been the better sickle. Then they really would be useless.
I am extremely disappointed in this update. I do not appreciate having to pay for the questionable gaming habits of other members of the community, nor do I appreciate ANET making it even more difficult for me to level my cooking. I simply do not have the time to grind for supply bags! Cooking is not easy to level, but I chose it on the understanding that I would be able to procure materials from vendors to augment the high cost of buying base ingredients from the cooking vendor. I play at least 3-4 hours a day and still don’t have very much in-game currency! I certainly don’t have the gold necessary to buy ingredients off the AH, nor do I want to spend my time on intensive farming, and I should not have to anyway when ANET itself said this game was not going to be farming-intensive.
I would not have bought this game had I known the developers would show such disregard for their player base, or have even a modicum of intelligence regarding how to properly balance a crafting profession!
Whatever the problem was, this was a really terrible and lazy way to fix it.
I am extremely disappointed in this update. I do not appreciate having to pay for the questionable gaming habits of other members of the community, nor do I appreciate ANET making it even more difficult for me to level my cooking. I simply do not have the time to grind for supply bags! Cooking is not easy to level, but I chose it on the understanding that I would be able to procure materials from vendors to augment the high cost of buying base ingredients from the cooking vendor. I play at least 3-4 hours a day and still don’t have very much in-game currency! I certainly don’t have the gold necessary to buy ingredients off the AH, nor do I want to spend my time on intensive farming, and I should not have to anyway when ANET itself said this game was not going to be farming-intensive.
I would not have bought this game had I known the developers would show such disregard for their player base, or have even a modicum of intelligence regarding how to properly balance a crafting profession!
I completely agree.
They said the game wouldn’t be grindy at all and yet all the updates are just making it more of a grind.
People have jobs and things to do and I thought this game was targeted at the older players since most came from the original GW.
They seemed to understand us when they were talking about launching and yet here’s the game getting more and more grindy with every update.
Some people are telling us that it’s not a big deal, but it really is when we were told that this game was going to be one way but then it turns out to be another.
Meanwhile the same day as the update the most I’ve seen any of these former karma-sold cooking mats go for is 15c. Discuss.
Well, I’m a bit sad about this. I rather liked getting random mats from karma vendors to throw them together to get a new cooking recipe. Oh well.
You know what’s not an appropriate thing to do? Delete the ingredients that people already had on them. That’s some serious crap, Anet. Not to mention we now have no idea who these ingredients drop from, because it’s not nearly as obvious with other craft’s and their materials. “Oh yeah. Obviously Harpies drop Vanilla Beans, because as everyone knows, Harpies carry vanilla around with them.” No. That will never happen.
(edited by Gaikang.9864)