Can''t create a new caracter
Did you forget to name your character?
I’ve got the same problem here with my Sylvari. I get redirected to the character selection screen when I press “next” in the last step once I entered a name. It sometimes works, if you just click “skip to end”, but once you set some attributes like hair or skincolor, it doesn’t let you finish. Tried it multiple times, also on different PCs.
Think it’s the same problem as this guy has
Btw even if I rush through the character creation in less than 1 minute it still kicks me out (and I took a name which is not yet taken)
Just found another forum post dealing with this topic:
No solution yet…
ArenaNet Communications Manager
I had initially thought this might be a technical support problem, but it now appears to be a Bug, so I am moving it to the Bugs Forum.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events