_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Can't equip two of the same accessory
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
I believe all ascended items are Unique meaning 2 of the same type cannot be equipped.
and I believe only rings and backpieces can be “infused” with agony resistance which is the only way to get 2 unique items to be equipped.
All ascended trinkets are unique which means you can only equip one with the same name at a time. You can open a support ticket and they can fix it up for you.
There is a loophole, if you infuse one of them giving them an innate +5 agony resistance then you can equip both at the same time but this might get fixed/removed in the upcoming patch. Infusing also makes the item account bound again.
I see, thank you very much.
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Not all ascended items are unique, ascended weapons are not unique.
Yeah I opened a ticket, hopefully they’ll fix it for me
_____________________ VANQUISH _____________________
Not all ascended items are unique, ascended weapons are not unique.
So I could dual-wield ascended axes…wonder if that carries over to legendaries….
Not all ascended items are unique, ascended weapons are not unique.
So I could dual-wield ascended axes…wonder if that carries over to legendaries….
Seen plenty of people using two Incinerators and saw someone with two Frostfangs yesterday. I dual wield ascended axes.