Can't exit to desktop since last hotfix...

Can't exit to desktop since last hotfix...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crise.9401


As it says on the tin, I exit to desktop the game freezes it keeps blocking all mouse input outside of taskbar area when alt tabbed (the cursor retains the in-game graphic) from that state as well so actually getting rid of it is a huge pain.

Has happened to me twice now, with the second session, I was alt tabbed for a while before to post some screenshots, this may or may not be relevant.

Also before this happened the sound seemed to bug out, the only audible sounds were some crowd noises and (what I assume is) wind in the Ground Pavilion area in DR, hence why I’d want to restart. The first time this happened was during Bell Choir activity, and the “Guild Wars – Medium” text remained on screen even outside said activity indefinitely. Aside that and the sound the game behaved seemingly normally, until I tried to close it.