Can't leave instances

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chaos.7014



My character is unable to leave instances, for example when I enter the Seraphim Headquarters instance in Divinity’s Reach. I have to pick a waypoint to leave the instance.

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BelleroPhone.4238


Same thing here in Black Citadel with all instances. Neither the “Leave instance” button above the minimap shows up, nor do I get a popup dialog when I approach the iris doors.

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


ran into this issue maybe 2 months ago while exploring black citadel as well. could enter them all just fine but theres no button to exit them. either have to use WP to get out or just log out

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wesley.4590


Just double posted this, sorry about that.
I also noticed this. It seems to happen only after finishing your personal storyline. Or at least whenever you didn’t just finish a quest inside the instance.
Not a huge bug but it should be looked at, especially if in the future new features are added that might promote visiting your home instance every once in a while (like player housing).

Btw at OP, you’re not using the Q&A feature correctly. This is just a bug report, you didn’t ask any questions in your post :P


(edited by Wesley.4590)

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pdfrod.1948


I’ve run into this problem today when exploring Black Citadel with my human character. It’s specially annoying because if you use waypoints to get out, you have to pay.

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oreos.2814


While not a proper fix, if you log off to the character select screen and come back, your character will be outside the instance.

My Asuran has this same issue since completing he personal storyline.

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sunrend.6798


Just thought I’d post in this thread to bump it and save making a new one. I had the same issue today, once I entered an instance (exploring the Black Citadel currently) I could not leave; there was no exit button above the minimap and approaching the exit did not bring up the exit dialogue. I had to use waypoints to leave which cost me 1s39c each time.

Jet Lili – Elementalist

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cake.6531


This just happened to me today. That plus having to pay to use the WPs in the city (which you normally don’t so long as in the city). Exploration of the Black Citadel costs 3 × 1s39c to complete.

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: agentbb.6093


Yeah happening to me too. Instead of using silver to waypoint just logout to the character select screen and log back in and you are out of the instance.

Can't leave instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rumbum.9257


This still is an issue. Why has this not been fixed yet?