Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
Can't log into any character?
Yo, Ho, all together, raise the colors high,
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
ah well, don’t know what the problem was… didn’t have to restart the computer or anything. 5-10 mins later after trying multiple times and deciding to check the forums cause the problem wasn’t going away, i could log in. Weird seeing as the internet worked except for logging into the game. musta been a really long hiccup
Yo, Ho, all together, raise the colors high,
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die
(edited by Kelly.7019)
I’m getting the error too, about to restart and see what happens.
Edit: everything seems to be working fine after reboot.
[NA] | BP
Zombie | God | For the Pass!
Zombie | God | For the Pass!
(edited by Meridian.4983)