Can't swap weapon after cinematics

Can't swap weapon after cinematics

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Claymore Milia.1509

Claymore Milia.1509

I explain a problem I had for a looong time and I found what it does and it is particularly annoying inside dungeon runs.
When a player is in combat state and swap his weapon to the secondary set, there is a cooldown (8 or 9 seconds normally).
If in this cooldown starts a cinematic, when the cooldown is over the player can’t swap weapon to the primary set with the key for swapping weapon (normally is the backslash).
For fix this problem a player must open his hero panel and click on the swap button otherwise he can’t swap weapon anymore :-s
I attach two picture for explaination


Can't swap weapon after cinematics

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AeroJavi.1687


We’ve brought this to attention for a couple of months alredy, happens way too often on cof p1, I think we once got a dev response saying they would look into it… Still waiting.