Can we get a server reboot now please?

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odjin.8530


Soooo many bugs right now its not even worth listing them one by one but here’s a few; Skill points down in many zones (Vigil Keep, Beetletun, Brigantine Isle, and more), many escort events paralyzed, missing npcs (Lion’s Arch), constant “this content server has been temporarily disabled” message when killing in Lawen Ponds, etc…

I don’t know the server reset schedule but I can only assume it hasn’t been done in a while or maybe that’s not even the solution. I just wanna play some GW2 guys.

oh yeah, is it even worth reporting bots anymore? The problem is only getting worse.

Please excuse my sarcasm, just a bit frustrated is all

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aibaby.2307


^ This. I miss the old GW1 response time. There used to be patches everyday too if needed.

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odjin.8530


Trion (Rift) has the best bug response team in the biz so far. I wish other mmos would follow that trend.

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Senyra.7346


So many people can’t log in… They should do something quickitten.T

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: piotress.6205


I can’t get over how many bugs and problems there are with this game and we do not get any updates from ArenaNet on anything until they decided to release patch updates. The support and bug system are very poor in my opinion, yet they are quick to ban accounts or lock/delete threads if they think something is going on.

I have five different zones in the game I cannot finish because of bugs that I would have though would have been fixed or discovered during their long beta phases.

Any comments ArenaNet staff, or will you just wait until everybody quits due to so many problems?

(edited by piotress.6205)

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Titus.8046


Please reboot your/our servers.

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Garbol.4390


Nah, they will just respond that they are working on it or are overwhelmed and will close the thread. They like doing that lately. A lot.

Sure not many MMO’s had a smooth lunch or little bugs, but come on. Most of them seem trivial to fix and still just stay broken for weaks (Manchor’s Leap Skill challange). Bots are EVERYWHERE. I reported 4 Asura rangers standing in Orr near a patient camp. After a week+ they are still there.

This isn’t funny anymore, this is just tragic. Sure the devs respond, but they respond whit dogging the question and/or issue, which then leads to closing a thread.

I don’t want to spy on Arenanet 24/7 but we should at least get some updates on issues . Rather then say we are working on it and it just stays broken there for week or more.

(edited by Garbol.4390)

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odjin.8530


This is a great game and its a lot of fun to play but bugs are running rampant right now. I completed the story questline a couple weeks ago and received lvl 20ish gear rewards for killing Zhaitan. Thanks lol!! This is the true test of a game’s longevity. Even though this is a F2P game lets be honest; most of us have purchased something from the cash shop so the old excuse “its free, don’t complain” just doesn’t apply here. Anet has done a wonderful job creating this game and I just don’t wanna see it fall into that familiar death trap other recent mmos have been victim to.

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rinseo.3271


If I knew this game is so bugged I wouldn’t have spent 4 hours today, I have no words. Everything incomplete. Rollback, how fantastic is that?

Can we get a server reboot now please?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: piotress.6205


Yes, and all the minor bugs are preventing many players from enjoying the game the way it should be enjoyed. I do notPvP ever, I am strictly PvE so the actual game content, skills and other PvE elemensts are what I enjoy. Not being able to complete maps is annoying enough for me.