Cannot Dye Coat - Removing crashes game

Cannot Dye Coat - Removing crashes game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hex Kor.4089

Hex Kor.4089

EDIT: As strangely as it appeared, the issue is gone. Able to dye again and remove the item without crashing. Very strange.

I’m leveling a thief, and since yesterday I noticed that I cannot dye my coat piece.

When I dye it in the dye window, it shows my desired dye job, but once I close the window nothing happens. The coat remains not dyed. I just shrugged it off, and continued playing for the rest of the day.

Today I tried again, and it didn’t work. I changed to a different coat and tried to dye again, still nothing. I then unequipped my coat by dragging/dropping into my inventory, thinking it would probably fix it. The game crashed as soon as I dropped it into my inventory. I logged back in, put the coat back on, and it still will not dye.

I even switched to a different character to try and replicate the issue. My Necromancer can dye his armor and take off his shirt without issue. Switched back to my thief, and still couldn’t do anything.

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(edited by Hex Kor.4089)

Cannot Dye Coat - Removing crashes game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kravick.4906


I’m having this exact same problem right now. I finally saved up enough money to buy the T3 cultural charr light armor for my necromancer. I used transmutation stones to get the stats I wanted. It won’t let me change the dye colors. When I remove the armor, the game crashes.

EDIT: I managed to fix this issue on my own. The method I used was to unequip the armor (causing another crash) and then equip a completely different set of armor. I then changed ALL the dye colors on that armor. I then switched back to the “problem” armor one piece at a time and changed the colors all to a single color. I am now able to change the colors as normal.

HOWEVER, if I try to use the dye remover tool, the colors all revert to some weird color combination that I did not pick. If I try to dye any of the color slots their default “remove dye” color manually, the bug reoccurs again and I must repeat the process above to fix the issue. I am basically forbidden from ever using the 3 default colors that remove dye gives me on that piece of armor.

Even more EDIT: Well now apparently some slots refused to even have their dyes change at all. This is the strangest bug I’ve seen.

The colors I cannot use on T3 charr cultural light armor after its been transmuted is Ebony (top dye slot, reverts to Midnight Purple), Ebony (bottom left dye slot, reverts to Royal Purple), and Pine (bottom right dye slot, reverts to Black). Sadly, the default color combination is the combination that I want to use. If I unequip the armor with any of the reverted colors (which are odd because none of them are even the default colors) the game will crash.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)

Cannot Dye Coat - Removing crashes game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kravick.4906


More information! This bug is reproducible.

So I did some testing with fine transmutation stones, at cost to me might I add. I hope ANet is willing to reimburse me for this, but if not, it doesn’t matter.

It turns out that this problem applies to all transmuted items. You cannot use the default color scheme (remove dye) with ANY armor that you have transmuted. I also tested this with other armor that I had previously transmuted in my bank. The colors will change to some odd color set if you try to use default armor colors. I’m not 100% sure where these other random colors are being pulled from, but I think its the default color set from the other item whos stats were transmuted.

Example: I transmuted the Ascalonian armor (default color set Midnight Purple, Royal Purple, Black) stats onto the T3 charr light armor skin. Any time I try to use the default color scheme for my T3 armor (default color set Ebony, Ebony, Pine), it reverts to the Ascalonian armor color scheme. Then the game crashes if I unequip the armor with that color scheme. I can’t even manually add the default colors without this bug happening.

So basically, whatever skin was used to transmute, you can’t use those default colors. The game won’t let you. Instead you will get the color set from the stats that was transmuted. Then game crash when you unequip.

Stuff goes here.

(edited by Kravick.4906)