I have tried to waypoint from LA to Cursed Shore, Caer Shadowfain Waypoint, twice and once from Gendarran Fields. The first two times I got DCed on the Cursed Shore loading screen, logged back in and I was back in LA with the 3s 13c taken out of my inventory. The third time I tried this, leaving from Gendarran, I actually got there, walked around, got DCed and was back in Gendarran once logged in. I also tried Meddler’s Waypoint with the same results. Twice when I logged back in I got the error message that the waypoint was contested which neither of these spots are ever contested. Also going though the portal from Malchor’s Leap into Cursed Shore produces the same results.
Other zones are fine, just going to Cursed Shore only. Sorrow’s Furnace world.