Cannot dodge after a leap skill

Cannot dodge after a leap skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solandri.9640


No I’m not talking about dodge while leaping – that’d be silly. I’m talking about after you’ve finished the leap, have both feet on the ground, and any damage from the skill has been applied. For about a half or 3/4 second, you cannot dodge. You can move, you can activate a different skill, you just cannot dodge. In fact if you tap a movement key right after the leap, you can then dodge immediately. My guess is some post-leap animation is incorrectly set to prevent dodging (but not moving or activating skills).

The bug is especially problematic with the ranger sword autoattack. Two of the three skills in the autoattack chain are leaps. Since you cannot dodge during a leap, and due to this bug you cannot dodge after a leap, there’s only a narrow window during the chain’s non-leap skill when you can dodge. This is what causes the so-called “root” effect of ranger sword autoattack, where players cannot dodge away from big attacks and red circles while ranger sword is autoattacking.

I haven’t tested every leap in the game, but so far the following skills listed as leaps in the wiki all exhibit the same problem:

Swoop (GS 3)
Pounce (Sword 1-2)
Kick (Sword 1-3)
Hornet’s Sting (Sword 2-1)
Monarch’s Leap (Sword 2-2)

Mighty Blow (Hammer 2)
Leap of Faith (Sword 3)

Savage Leap (Sword 2)
Shield Bash (Shield 4)
Whirlwind Attack (GS 3)
Rush (GS 5)
Bull’s Charge (utility)

(edited by Solandri.9640)

Cannot dodge after a leap skill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RWinter.1680


I never realised that this is what was preventing dodges after ranger sword 1 attacks, very good to know, and this should be fixed.