Cannot join parties in LFG - Please fix
I have an EU account, but transferred to a NA server.
I can only see EU parties in the LFG tool and while I can join the party, I cannot enter the same instance (because I’m on a NA server). When trying to join the instance I get the ‘Network error’ message box. The specific issue is with Fractals, but I haven’t tried joining dungeon parties etc to see if they work.
Had this happen before at part of an update, it’s broken again – please fix the bug.
I have this same issue as well. I used to play in a US guild so im on a US server. Now my hours dont make this easy (I live in the UK) so Im playing with an EU guild now. However I cat join any of them in their instances or do fractals with them. When I right click on a party member name I cant join them in the zone like I can with US people.
I dont know if this is a known limitation or if it’s intended or what. But My alternative is to stump up the 1800 gems to transfer to their server, which is a ripoff. I’m not one of these server hoppers looking to exploit. I have a genuine reason to move servers and at the moment it’s 2/3 the cost of the entire game!
Anyway all I really want is to be able to play in the same instance as my EU friends even though I’m on a US server world. Is that possible?
I have this same issue as well. I used to play in a US guild so im on a US server. Now my hours dont make this easy (I live in the UK) so Im playing with an EU guild now. However I cat join any of them in their instances or do fractals with them. When I right click on a party member name I cant join them in the zone like I can with US people.
It’s definitely a bug.
I’ve been playing in US parties on a US server for ages (My account is EU). You can enter the instances with people on whatever server you transfer to (in my case US). However, every now and then an update seems to break it and it looks at your account server rather than transferred server so you can no longer play with anyone.
I have this same issue as well. I used to play in a US guild so im on a US server. Now my hours dont make this easy (I live in the UK) so Im playing with an EU guild now. However I cat join any of them in their instances or do fractals with them. When I right click on a party member name I cant join them in the zone like I can with US people.
It’s definitely a bug.
I’ve been playing in US parties on a US server for ages (My account is EU). You can enter the instances with people on whatever server you transfer to (in my case US). However, every now and then an update seems to break it and it looks at your account server rather than transferred server so you can no longer play with anyone.
What do you mean by ‘transfer to’? You cant guest from EU to US, or vice versa, so I must assume it’s just the way you’re describing joining a party in a different server world?
I’d also like to know when I should and shouldn’t be able to ‘join player in x zone’ when right clicking on their name in the party list.