Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thorzilla.9124


Just wanted to report this. I don’t know if this is a game mechanic or game design decision but I feel like this is an atrocious choice. After getting DCed from Fractals, I just can’t rejoin my team inside the dungeon or even wait for them at the “lobby”. Seriously, FoM is probably the coolest dungeon in my personal opinion, but this bug seriously breaks it for me, especially when it’s not even a failure in my end, ,since I keep skyping normally with my guildie. Even in other dungeons I could rejoin them in the same dungeon instance.

Can we have a fix for this? Is anyone else getting the same bug?

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shiren.9532


It’s not a bug. It’s how it works. Read the dungeons sub forum for a developer comment on this.

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


It’s not a bug. It’s how it works. Read the dungeons sub forum for a developer comment on this.

what post are you referring to exactly? im looking at “DC in fractals. no way to get back in” on the front page of the dungeon forums where Robert Hrouda says that this is indeed a bug and a fix is in the works

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jensen.8513


Yes please make it so you can regroup with your team after DC.. It’s really annoying when dc and lose all progress, or you have to do it 4 man because one dc.

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fallon.2347


Hello. I would like to point out, players do receive error messages from time to time and are booted from the game (some days are worse than others). Most of the time, I rarely have any issues. When dealing with dungeon / group events this can be somewhat challenging at times if the group is not allowed to re-join, and no one has purposely left group, changed characters or disconnected.

Example: Our guild group in Fractals of the Mist, four out of the five people lost connection to the server upon entering the second fractal.
Due to the events that took place we had to all leave and restart the dungeon. Now, since we were only doing level 1 or 2 (?) this was not such a big deal. However, I could see players being upset after completing most of the dungeon run and majority of the group disconnecting.

Just some food for thought, for the devs.

Escape From L A [EfLA]
Guild Leader
Maguuma – Yak’s Bend

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorainda.3495


It’s also unfair for the rest, not just the person who disconnects. A run might go wasted in cases where someone has to leave due to real life issues, not just for him, but for the rest as well, if the difficulty is high and obviously they cannot replace the person missing. Happened to me a lot.

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loridian.2410


I have had the same problem trying to get past level 1, 3 times on Blackgate. Not everyone is willing to suicide to start all over, and regroup, 3 times in a row. or 1 time, or 2 times.

Love the dungeon concept, the visuals are stunning the combat is stellar. But again, another instance of game breaking issues for some. Unless you have 4 really good friends willing to constantly repeat, in hopes all 5 members dont get bugged.

Cannot re-join team at fractals after DC

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zorainda.3495


It’s not a bug. It’s how it works. Read the dungeons sub forum for a developer comment on this.

what post are you referring to exactly? im looking at “DC in fractals. no way to get back in” on the front page of the dungeon forums where Robert Hrouda says that this is indeed a bug and a fix is in the works

I read the post you are referring to, but he doesn’t say it is bug, he does say however they are aware of the problem and they are looking into a fix.

Since the mechanics they used for FoM follows Story Steps formula, it was expected dungeon would reset for the person disconnecting (like it happens in Story Steps). So to me it appears it isn’t a bug, something unpredictable that wasn’t supposed to happen, but a side-result they didn’t take much into account and now has created problems and they are looking how to fix it. I might be wrong, but that’s what comes out from their posts.